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A Week Earlier.

I returned home from the Hargreeves' office, completely baffled. Diego wicked words kept reverberating in my mind. I couldn't help but doubt my choices. Was agreeing to his deal the right move? The more I dove into his world, the more evident it became that he was just as twisted as his brother.

For Diego it was revenge. His ambitions and desires. He wanted Hargreeves Enterprises Holdings, the families legacy, and everything else that belonged to his brother. Including me.

For me, it was more complex.

Protection. I wanted to be able to finally live my life fear-free. After the deal was done, Diego assured I'd get his protection. He offered to help us hide so that even Five wouldn't find us again.

Retribution. As twisted as it may sound, I wanted to get my revenge on Five. He might not have loved me, but I knew him. I knew he was possessive. A jealous type. I knew seeing his prey with another man, let alone his brother would hurt his alpha male ego.

And money. When I left New York, I had no money or support. Contacting my family was out of the question. I tried once, and it didn't go well. My father not only refused my help, but he relished my downfall. He savored the satisfaction that he had been right about Five. And that only exacerbated my pain. I regretted it ever since. I was on my own. I had no father. No family. After everything I'd gone through because of them, they were dead to me. So, when Diego offered me a hundred million dollars to marry him, I couldn't say no. This money was my ticket to a fresh start. To help me start anew and provide the life for my son that he deserved. Far away from this dangerous world.

And now, there was no turning back. I knew I had to play this game 'till the very end.

I lost track of time, lost in my thoughts until a loud bang at the main entrance jolted me back to reality. Assuming it was Betty and Ezra returning from the playground, I strolled down the stairs. Ready to see my handsome boy. But my smile slowly faded away. Diego.

He dawned a glass of whiskey and tossed it back onto the cabinet with anger. "Five has decided to fight for the companies." He wiped a drop of whiskey from his mouth. "He's doing it on purpose. Because of you." The anger in his voice made me tremble.

I didn't say anything. I merely watched him walk toward me.

"You have to marry me, Y/n. Soon.

"Wasn't that the plan all along?"

His eyes darted between mine.

"The sooner, the better. I can't wait to do my part and leave."

Diego nodded, his breath steadying. "Very well. I'll arrange everything, and we'll get married in two months."

Diego smirked viciously. "I want to marry you on my brother's birthday, so he never forgets that day."

The next few days passed rather uneventfully. Diego told me that Five was on a business trip to Italy, which probably was the reason for the temporary calm. It was a welcome break. Diego officially moved in with us, but his presence was barely felt. The residence was spacious, and he occupied a room on the opposite side. It allowed us to maintain a considerable distance. Occasionally, we shared meals. I was pleased to see Diego bonding well with Ezra. Seeing them play together brought a smile to my face. I started noticing a different side of Diego that seemed entirely unfamiliar, perhaps even to himself.

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