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One year later.

A year later passed, taking away the grief and replacing it with a sense of serenity. Diego, Luther, Klaus, Allison and Claire had relocated to Italy. Their absence left a void in New York, yet knowing they were happier elsewhere brought us solace. Five, Diego, and Sergio allied stronger and more resilient than ever before. Meanwhile, I reconnected with my old friends Sloane, Jayme, and Fei. It warmed my heart to see them both blooming in their new lives. Sloane actually found love in a new relationship with Luther, and Jayme surprised me by introducing her new business life of a year to me with Fei helping her by her side. They told me my brothers life are still unknown, but there happy for all of us.

Finally, as the day of my dreams arrived, I walked down the aisle towards the man of my dreams.

Long overdue.

The soft music filled the air, and I couldn't stop smiling as I drew closer to Five, my heart racing in anticipation. His stormy greeneyes, the very same one I had fallen in love with the same night I first laid my gaze on, met mine. I clutched the bouquet of beautiful white roses. A symbol of loyalty and love. Of better, brighter times to come. The white veil trailed behind me, and my hair cascaded in loose waves, some strands left loose framing my face. The fabric of my wedding gown flowed down my arms and waist like that of a princess. Finally, I reached Five's side, and my heart skipped a bit. Standing before him, and my sisters is behind me happily smiling as my bridesmaids. I knew that this was where I belonged, in his arms, bound by the promise of forever. And as we exchanged tender glances, lost in the depths of each other's eyes, I knew that our love would win any storm that came our way.

Five and I had to face many obstacles throughout our love story. It wasn't always easy. It wasn't rosy from the very beginning. But none of that mattered. Despite the fraud between our families, even though this love, our love was never supposed to exist, everything had led us to this point. Every obstacle we faced, ultimately led us back to each other. To be together. To be forever. We were bound by a forbidden yet so irresistible attraction. I still feel the taste of his lips on mine when he kissed me for the very first time when he still saw me as a task when revenge still brewed in his veins. Even then, I felt the genuine affection between us. It was as if our paths were inexorably intertwined by an unbreakable bond.

In the end, I am certain of one thing. I was meant to be his. He was meant to be mine.

"I, Five, take you, Y/n Hargreeves, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. Until death do us part."

Five slid a wedding band on my finger and planted a soft kiss on it. His eyes cast upward as he did so, causing my heart to flutter. This man would never stop having this intoxicating effect on me. His eyes beamed as he smiled, revealing his gorgeous teeth. God, I adored the way he smiled, with a hint of wickedness in his gaze.

"I, Y/n Hargreeves take you, Five, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. Until death do us part."

At last, we were pronounced husband and wife.

"You may now kiss the bride!" Ezra jumped and clapped his hands in joy, and everyone burst out in laughter.

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