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After Y/n and Ezra left, I sank onto my bed, enveloped in the lingering sweetness of my son's presence still wafting from the duvet. Seeing Y/n at my door was the last thing I expected. Just a couple of hours ago, I was so fucking scared that she might've taken our son and vanished from my life once again. Yet, she came to me, cradling our child in her arms. Despite the lingering anger towards Y/n, that sight melted my heart. This was my family. They were my everything.

Shaking my head, I found myself smiling like a fool as I reminisced about the evening. The moment when Ezra turned around, fixing his big green, shiny eyes directly on mine, and in the most shy, quiet, and sweet voice, called me, 'Dad,' brought tears to my eyes. It made my heart race in a way I had never felt before. I loved that little boy from the very first moment I laid eyes on him. He was perfect. His luminous, green eyes wandered all over my face, silky same hair as mine, cute little nose, prominent cheeks, and slightly pointy chin. Everything about him was flawless, and that moment, the first moment I shared with my son, was etched into my memory. He was my little mini-me.

I couldn't explain it, but I felt an instant, unbreakable bond with him, hoping he felt it too. When Ezra wrapped his tiny hands around my neck for the very first time, and I felt the warmth of his small body against my chest, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. How someone so small could evoke such a hurricane of emotions within me? I could not find the right words to describe the feelings he awoken in me when he hugged me. I had my whole world in my arms. He became everything that mattered to me. For the first time, I felt like my life made sense.

The ensuing days passed swiftly. Y/n and Ezra settled into one of my properties, which gave me a sense of calm, knowing they were in a secure environment, closely monitored by trusted security personnel. I visited Ezra every single day, and the daily visits became our cherished routine, bringing so much joy to Ezra and, in turn, filling my heart with happiness.

In terms of my relationship with Y/n, not much had changed. I limited our interactions to those about Ezra only, allowing myself time to clear my mind. Fortunately, my legal team expedited the necessary formalities. Within days, Ezra was officially recognized as my son, bearing my last name, and joint custody was granted. I was grateful for Y/n's cooperation

throughout the process, which helped me deal with everything swiftly. She also decided to change her name back to her maiden name, Hargreeves.

We soon established a routine that seemed to work just fine. We split our days to have equal time with Ezra, who became my main focus. Everything else faded into the background.

My Monday at the office was consumed by a series of relentless meetings. As I stepped into my office after the last one, shedding my suit jacket onto the chair, I checked my phone to see a string of missed calls from Paige.

This woman wouldn't give up.

After a long, deep breath, I dialed her number. I held the phone to my ear, but the sound of the door opening caught my attention.

I looked over to see Y/n peeking through the partially open door, asking hesitantly. "May I come in?"

At the same time, Paige's excited voice filled the line, "Five? I'm so happy to hear back from you. I—"

I ended the call, my focus drifting solely to Y/n. Draped in a long-sleeved, tight black velvet dress that gracefully reached just below her sleek ankles, she captured my attention from head to toe. Her hair was tied in a low ponytail, exposing her neck, and it only intensified the allure.

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