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I'm sat in the office with Carly, eating our meal deals. Suddenly there's a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shout and Eric comes in.

"Hey Reece, just to tell you I've done the shelf in the toddler room. Is there anything else?" He asks me.

"Uhm?... Actually there's a problem with my window. It won't open, could you work on that please?"

"Yea of course. Hey Carly." Eric says.

"HIIII ERIC!!! HOW ARE YOU??" Carly starts screaming. I can tell she has a massive crush on him, but the poor lads probably scared of her.

"I'm alright thank you beau- I mean Carly. Yourself?" He turns around to start working on the window.

"I'm alright thank you. Oh Reece can you run me over to my nursery quickly I left my air up bottle there?" Carly turns to me.

I sigh then say "Fine. Come on then. Eric, we'll be back in about half an hour."

"No problem!" He says to me then turns to Carly and winks at her.

"OHH MY GOD REECE!! HE WINKED AT ME!!!!" She says as she jumps up and down in the car park. I can't lie I see her as my daughter. I'm so happy for her yet so scared she's gonna get hurt.

"I know. Maybe he has a crush on you.." I tease her and she gasps.


"Alright alright come on then." I say as I climb into the drivers side of the car and turn on the engine. As soon as I know Carly's in and buckled up, I pull out of the car park and onto the road.

The car journey is mostly silent, until my phone rings. I glance over and see it's my sweetheart. I press the answer button and put her on speaker.

"Hey gorgeous. What's up?" I say whilst smiling. I know she can't see me but she always makes me happy. Only when she answered I got really concerned.

"Reece? Please can you come over?..." She sounds like she's upset.

"I'm already on my way over with Carly babe, I'll be there in 5. Do you want to stay on the phone or wait 5 to see me?" I ask, concerned.

"I'll w-wait for you. I love y-y-you" She sniffles and stutters. It breaks my heart to see her this way.

"I love you more darling, see you in a second." I hang up the phone and glance over at Carly. Even Carly seems concerned.

"What's wrong with Marjorie?" Carly asks me.

"I don't know. I hope she's alright." I reply as we pull into the car park. We both get out of the car and head in through the entrance. Carly goes up to the staff room to get her bottle and I head down to Marjories office.

Within 2 seconds I was knocking on the brown wood. She opens the door, tears streaming down her face and her holding her stomach, grimacing in pain.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?" I say, stepping in and locking the door behind me. I reach my arms out to her and bring her into a cuddle.


I swear these two are actually made for each other!!! I hope you're enjoying this so far! ❤️❤️

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