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I woke up and pushed Reece off of me, thinking it was Henry. I look up and realise it was Reece so I scooch back over to him and he holds me in his arms.

"Reece! Oh my God." I say before I start crying.

"What's wrong gorgeous? What happened?" He says before he rocks me back and forth. I look at him before signing in relief.

"I had a dream where Henry was pinning me down under a tree. Me you and Niamh were on a walk when I stopped to tie my shoelace. I told you to go on ahead and I'd meet you up there so you and Niamh continued walking. I got up to catch up with you but I got pulled by my hair and pulled to behind a tree. I screamed but Henry put a gun to my head and told me if I screamed he would shoot me, so I shut up. He then pushed me down onto the floor and started unbuckling his jeans. You realised I wasn't behind you anymore is you ran down and that's when I woke up."

"Awh sweetheart. You know that I'm always here for you. If we ever go out for a walk and that sort of thing happens, he will not be making it out alive. I'm really sorry he put you through all that. You, my love, do not deserve to be put through anything else. You've got such a kind heart and a lovely smile and the best kisses," He says before kissing her lips, "and the most amazing pussy." He says before laughing

"At a time like this you'll still comment on my pussy? Reecey you are a desperate little boy aren't you?" I say before laughing aswell. He looks down at me laughing before a smile spreads across his face. My man is happy. And that's all that matters.

We stay silent for a few moments before I hear one of the girls get up and walk over to our room. I see it's our daughter so I get up putting Reece's dressing gown on and turning on the tv for them. Eve wakes up as I do so, so I make them a big bowl of fruit for them to share whilst me and Reece cuddle up in bed.

I walk back into our room and lay back onto the bed with Reece, returning to our old positions. Me and Reece share a look before laughing randomly. We hear the girls laughing as well so we look through the door and smile at them. Me and Reece sigh before turning back to the TV and finishing the last episode of season 2. I cry as Anne gets beheaded so he comforts me, reminding me it was okay.


We all are sat in the living room on the sofa. Me and Reece next to each other, Niamh on my side and Eve on Reece's. I had my one arm around Reece and the other around our daughter. He was the same, one arm around me and his other around Eve. We were all watching 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' as that's our favourite film.

The girls decide to go to their room and play so me and Reece stay on the sofa watching the film. I get up and make us both a coffee, taking them over and placing them onto the table. I lay down on my back and pat the space beside me, signalling Reece to come and lay down beside me. He crawls over and places his head onto my chest, one leg draped over both of mine and his arm wrapped around my waist.

"You okay darling?" I say before I bring my hand up to his head, running my fingers through his short blonde hair. He lets out a sigh of relaxation before looking up at me.

"I've never been better gorgeous. How about you though, how are you feeling? If you need anything and I mean anything let me know." He says before smiling and pouting his lips, showing me he wanted a kiss. I bend my head down and crash my lips onto his, removing my hand from his hair to the back of his head, pushing it in further. We stay like this until we both run out of breath so we separate for a breath and go back in for another.

We do this a few more times before we relax again. I lay back down, moaning his name before panting and gasping for air. He laughs at me before climbing on top of me. I knew what I wanted, and as did he. But we had the girls so we knew we couldn't. When we get back home Monday when Charlotte would take her, we would then.

"It's our first anniversary soon gorgeous. Would you like to do anything?" He asks before looking up at me. I shake my head 'no' before he gets up and looks at me surprised. I look at him confused.

"I'd rather spend the day indoors baking and watching films and sleeping my love. We don't have to go out anywhere special. I will do anything if it's with you." I say before he warmly smiles at what I had said. He nods before laying back down. We lay there in mere silence for a few moments before he starts to move his hand up and down my body.

I giggle at the feeling before doing the same to him. I run my hand up and down his back. I feel him shiver before digging my nails into his back.

"Marjorie~" he says before I look at him with widened eyes. I'm trying to relax him and he gets turned on by it? I mean I am his wife, when does he not get turned on?

"Reece. You need to stop getting turned on with everything I do honestly." I say whilst laughing. He looks up at me before adjusting himself, so when he lays down he's looking up at me.

"I can't help it. You're fucking gorgeous." He says before raising his hand to my hair, running his fingers through it.

I need to make the most of this man. He's my life, my love, and last of all, mine.



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