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We are on the way to the shopping centre when my phone rings, I was just about to pick it up when Reece grabbed it. I smiled at him before putting my eyes back on the road. He swipes the answer button and puts it on speaker.

"Hello? Who is this?" Reece says before looking over at me, a confused look on his face. Only when the person spoke, I got shivers down my spine.

"Oh is this Marjorie's new boyfriend?" I recognise that voice. It was Henry. I look over at Reece in horror and he understands the look that it's Henry he's speaking to. He continued, "Actually this is her husband. How can I help you, Henry." He said before putting his hand onto my thigh and I squeeze them together, trapping his hand.

"Oh I just wanted to say something to Marjorie. Could you put her on please?" He says to Reece before Reece says, "one second," and selects the mute button. I pull over quickly and Reece says to me, "right darling, you don't have to if you don't want to. If you decide you want to, I'm going to be here right next to you, if you don't, I'll pull a Kenny." And when he said that part it made me laugh out loud.

"I'll do it. I want to see what he has to say," I say before Reece nods and unmutes the call, "she's here, you have 1 minute," he says before passing me the phone.

"What do you want Henry." I say in a demanding voice, wanting to know why he's contacting me after 6 years.

"Hey baby, how are things? Just spoke to a bitch of your husband. Do you miss me?" He says and I take a deep breath in whilst pinching the bridge of my nose, trying to calm down.

"First of all, Henry, don't call me baby. Second of all, don't you dare call my husband a bitch. He's the most kind, loving, caring husband I could ever ask for. He's treated me so well and in fact we're having a baby together. That's how good his dick is," I say before looking and winking at Reece, "and thirdly, I'd rather go through the pits of hell than miss you after what you did to me. It took me years to heal from you. I'll never ever forgive you for all of that and if you contact me again, you'll have me, Reece and the cops to deal with." I finish my rant before he carelessly says, "right. But I still love you baby. Maybe we could start over, be happy and start our own family. Reece or whatever his name is isn't good enough for you. I'm the perfect man for you, Margie. Come on now, come to Henry."

I look at Reece and nod before giving the phone back to him. He starts having a go at Henry for what he says and Henry sits there quietly, listening to what Reece has to say, "Right now you don't say all that to my wife. She'll never ever come back to you no matter what happens between me and her. You may still love her but I love her for her and not for her body. You used her because she had good pussy," he says before winking at me, "but that didn't give you the excuse to hit her until she was on the floor begging you to leave her alone. You call this number again and I'll make you wish you'd never been born." He said before hanging up the phone, putting it down and covering his face with his hands.

I put my hand on his shoulder, caressing it with my thumb before he removes his hands and turns to look at me. I smile at him before leaning over and wrapping my arms around his neck, his instantly meeting my waist. He rests his head on my shoulder, before he puts his nose onto my shoulder, taking in my scent which I can tell, instantly calms him down. He lifts his head to look at me before giving me a kiss on the forehead, taking me by surprise.

"We better go, Autumn just messaged and said she's there waiting." I say before letting go and turning myself back to the steering wheel, turning it right to pull out and we continued the route to our destination. 5 minutes later we pull up next to Autumns car and park there. We got out and I ran to Autumn, giving her a big hug before Reece and Winter did their handshake. We both gave our husbands a kiss and a hug before running off together.

*2 hours later*

We had finished our shopping and got lots of matching outfits, for us, our husbands and the babies. We were both laughing about what had happened with our men last night after we told each other everything. Like I said there's no TMI between me and Autumn. We tell each other EVERYTHING. We need every little detail explained.

We walk around to find Winter and Reece when I see someone I really don't want to see. Henry. I turn to Autumn and quickly tell her everything before he starts making an approach towards us. Autumn stands in front of me, protectively before I call Reece and Winter. I hung up on Reece before he tries swing for Autumn but she grabs his arm, twists it and takes him down to the ground before Reece and Winter run over. Reece wraps his arms around my waist and walks me away from the situation, him looking me up and down in a panic.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?! Is baby girl okay? Marjorie answer me." He says really quickly before I respond slowly and calmly.

"Reecey, I'm fine. He didn't do anything to me, baby girls fine, he did try to swing for Autumn though but she retaliated."

After Henry got taken away, we all walked back to our cars. I hugged Autumn goodbye and our husbands did their handshake again before getting into our cars. I put the bags in the boot before hopping into the drivers side, turning on the ignition. I reverse out of our spot and start driving home.

"Now you just wait until we get home. You look so fucking sexy like that Reece." I say before winking and resting my hand onto his growing erection.


Hey my lovelies! I decided to try and post a few chapters today to make up for not posting. I've got my first proper maths exam Monday. I had my nationals yesterday and I think I did shit but yk.

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