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Me and Marjorie are literally still naked, cuddling in the middle of her bed. I feel her stir to move onto her back, but just her moving caused me to get hard again.

"Reece, seriously?" Marjorie asks as she looks down.

"I can't help it!! Leave me alone." I say playfully.

She lies her back against my front. She grabs my hands and puts them on her big boobs and tells me to not let go. I obeyed her orders. We were watching Bridgerton as Charlotte had showed me it a few weeks before and it was actually really good.

"You okay gorgeous?" I ask her as she jumped a mile and I felt her jolt.

"Y-yea. Fine." She replies plainly.

"Are you sure?" I ask her curiously.


I grip her waist and turn her around so her stomach is collided with mine. My God she looks so beautiful like this. I stare deep into her bright blue eyes as she starts to smirk at me.

I look at her confused "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" She says still smirking at me.

I push her off me then get up and leave the room. I feel bad for leaving her but I needed a drink. I grabbed myself a glass of wine and for Marjorie too. I bring them back up to her room to see an empty room. I walk in and place the glasses down on the table to hear moaning coming from the bathroom. I walk over to the bathroom and open the door silently so she doesn't hear me.

"Ohhh fuck Reece yes Reece fuck this tight little pussy~" she says whilst pleasuring herself in the shower with her fingers. She looks so fucking hot like this. I just hope she doesn't hear me now.

"Oh Reecey you're making me cum~ please give me my release handsome?~" Damn. Am I that good?

"A-A-AAAHHHH!!!!" She screams as she squirts all in the shower, still moving her fingers in and out of her at a constant pace.

As she rides down from her orgasm, she turns around and sees me stood there. She screams and tells me to get out, obviously I don't move and she slides open the glass door, strolls over to me and starts to shout at me.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STOOD THERE?! REECE ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!" I have to admit. She's hot when she's angry.

"Damn baby. If you're that angry come take it out on my dick~" I say and I can see her visibly calm down. She takes a look at it for a split second before walking over and bringing me into the shower with her.

"You know Reece.. I think I'm ready." She says. Ready for what?

"Ready for what my darling?" I look into her gorgeous blue eyes.

"I think I'm ready to start a family. If you're not it's fine, I'll wait." I'm glad she is willing to wait for me if I wasn't ready.

"Marjorie, there's something else I need to ask you first?"

"Yes Reecey?" She looks at me out of curiosity.

I take her hand and lead her out of the shower.

"Dry off and get dressed, we're going on a romantic stroll." I tell her.

"Ooo!! Okay!" She says, rushing out of the bathroom to get all glammed up.

Me and Marjorie have been together for about 3 years now, and I'm most definitely ready to ask her to be my wife. I'm just hoping she will say yes to me.

She has been talking about it for ages, but you know she could still turn around and say no.

Half an hour later she walks back into the bathroom in this short, diaphanous long sleeved red dress with her hair curled, half up half down with 2 thin bits dangling down both sides of her face. She looked beautiful.

I'm struggling to tie a tie, but Marjorie helps me with it and gives me a big kiss on the lips before we leave.

We both get our shoes on and leave the house.



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