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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I was hoping Reece had gone to the bathroom or gone to have a shower or something, but the coldness of the sheets answered my question. I turned over, sighing to see a note on my bedside table. I shot up to read it and it said:

"Hey gorgeous. Sorry you had to wake up to an empty space, I've gone to work earlier so I can spend a bit of time with Carly. She's really upset about Eric at the moment. He only went and cheated on her, now him and his 'fiancée' are expecting so I'm going to treat Carly to some breakfast. Anyway, your coffee is in the microwave so whenever you wake up, just go and heat it up. Charlotte is dropping off Niamh at 1 and I'll be home at about 3. Message me whenever my love. Also don't kill me but I forgot to give you a kiss this morning. Miss you loads, see you later. I love you more than anything in the universe. Reece. Xx"

I smile at the note before placing it down and picking up my phone to check the time. It was currently 10:22am. I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower, making sure I had everything I needed before placing my phone onto the side, stripping off and stepping into the water. I turn on my favourite song, Chasing Pavements by Adele before I start singing. I grab my shampoo and lather it onto my roots, singing the chorus until my phone rang. It was Reece. I turn off the shower and swipe, answering.

"Hey you~ what you doing right now?" He asks.

"I'm in the shower at the moment Reece. What's the matter my love?" I answer, sounding a bit concerned.

"Nothing gorgeous, just missing you. Did you read my note?" He says before I hear him cough.

"Yea. You forgot my kiss?! How dare you!" I say playfully before I hear him laugh.

"I know gorgeous I'm sorry. I'll give you loads later to make up for it." He says before I hear Carly asking to speak to him, "right I need to go gorgeous. I love you millions, message me whenever," he says before hanging up. I press play on my phone again before turning back on the shower.

I start to rinse the shampoo out before I get another phone call. This time it's from... Henry? I swipe the phone to answer once again.

"Henry. To what do I owe this.. displeasure." I say plainly before he giggles.

"Don't be so stubborn Marjorie. Are you gonna let me in or will I have to stand out here in the cold by myself?" He says before I freeze. I turn off the shower and quickly put on my towel to look out the window. That's when I see Henry's car parked up where Reece would normally park his.

"Wh- what- why are you here?!" I say before shutting my window and locking the bathroom door.

"I just wanna see you Margie. I miss you," he says before I hear the front door open, "I'll see you in a second my love." He hangs up the phone and I quickly dial the police. I explain to them what has happened and they send a car to my house. They tell me to call my husband so I hang up and call Reece.

"Hey gorgeous. What's u-," he says before I cut him off.

"Get home now. Henry's broken in and he's waiting for me outside the bathroom door for me. I don't know how much longer I have until the police get here." I say before I hear him grab his car keys.

"I'll be there in 5 gorgeous, stay on the phone with me." He says and I say, "okay," before I hear him tell Sorscha he's got a problem and she agrees to run the nursery whilst he's gone. I hear him running to the car park and he gets into his car, starting it.

"Margie. Come on baby, let me in. I miss you. Let's start over?" Henry says from outside of the bathroom.

"Reece. Please hurry." I say before I hear the car gradually get louder. It sounds like he's speeding back home.

"I'm 2 minutes away gorgeous. In the mean time, get back in the shower and shut the door, be as quiet as you can." He says before I do what he's instructed me to do.

"Fuck sake Margie open the fucking door you slut!!" Henry says before he attempts to kick the door in. That's when I hear a big bang and he's in the bathroom, staring at me. I see he's got a knife in his hands.

"Reece. He's got a knife. This is the end. I love you forever. Goodby-," I say before the police run in and tackle him to the ground. Not long after Reece hangs up and runs into the bathroom, looking at the commotion that's happening. The police take him away and I step out of the shower, running over to my husband.

"Marjorie!! Oh my God you're okay. Did he hurt you?" He says before cupping my face with his hands, examining for any bruises or cuts.

"No baby I'm fine, I was so scared," I say whilst crying, "I'm just glad you're here right now."

"Right. Message Char and tell her to drop Niamh off at my nursery. You're not staying here on your own. Get dressed gorgeous because you're coming back with me." He says before giving me a kiss.

"On one condition. We have to wear our matching outfit." I say before laughing. He nods and we go to get changed. I quickly dry my hair and do my makeup before we walk out of the house, hand in hand. I get into the passenger seat of his car before he gets into the drivers seat.

He starts the ignition and we drive back to his nursery. I message Char, letting her know of the situation and to drop Niamh off at the nursery. She replies with 'okay xx' before I place my phone on my lap, leaning my head onto Reece's left shoulder. He rests his head on mine before turning right and pulling up into the car park. We both get out and walk into the nursery. By the time we get there it's 10.52am. I walk to Reece's office to see Sorscha at Reece's desk.

"Oh hiya Marjorie. Everything alright?" She says before getting and walking over to me. I nod before she gives me a hug and goes back to the baby room. Reece sits back onto his chair and pats his lap, signalling he wants me to sit on it. I walk over and sit down, curling myself up into a ball, trying to get as close to him as possible.

"So gorgeous. Do you want to tell me what happened?"



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