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He puts me down onto my feet before turning around and locking the bathroom door. I turn on the shower and put it to the perfect temperature. I take my pjs off and discard them onto the floor. I pull off my glasses and put them on the edge of the sink before sliding the glass door open and stepping in, admiring the warm water.

A short while after Reece jumps in and playfully pushes me away from the water so he can get some for himself. I gasp and start laughing before playfully punching him on the arm. To my surprise, he takes my hand and gives it a gentle kiss. I grab my shampoo and start to smother it into my roots. I never shampoo my tips because it dries them out, I condition my ends and shampoo my roots.

As I finish washing out my shampoo, I get pushed up against the wall of the shower.

"You're so fucking sexy that it pisses me off." Reece says as he grabs my face. It hurt but I didn't care. He was full of desire and so was I. I didn't care what he did to me in that moment, I was too busy thinking about dirty things I wanted him to do to me.

He lifts my leg up, hoisting it over his shoulder. He stares at the bare pussy ahead of him, licking his lips.

"Are you okay with me doing this my love?" I love how he asks instead of just doing it. I nod and he starts to devour me like I was his last meal. I throw my head back against the wall and I start moaning loudly. I could feel him smile against me as I moaned which told me he liked that.

He disconnects from me and puts 2 fingers inside, stroking my inner muscles. He does that for a short while then removes them and stands up, sucking his fingers off.

"You taste so delicious darling." He says before placing his cock at my entrance.

"Do you want me to do this? If not just use your words darling. I won't be offended!" He says, looking at me waiting for an answer.

He was answered when I grabbed his dick and shoved it straight inside me. He pushed until his whole length was filling me up. He looks at me with an 'are you okay?' look before I nod and he moves back out before slowly pushing back in.

He repeats those moves as I moan and my eyes roll because it feels so good. He picks me up, still inside me and hoists both my legs over my shoulder before moving in and out of me really fast.

"FUCK!!~" I shout and he shuts me up by slamming his lips on mine.

"Oh fuck fuck I'm gonna cum. Marjorie I'm gonna cum." He warns me and I gasp happily.

"I want you to do it inside me. Get me fucking pregnant Reece. Fucking cum inside me." I say as he slams into me.

With one blissful moan that sounded like paradise, he cums inside of me. I gasp and kiss him as he slows down his thrusts into rolling his cock inside me, making sure it's in deep.

He pulls out of me and the cum starts to leak out of me. He sets me down but I stumble. I am stable but my legs are a bit wobbly.

"You did amazing. I'm so proud of you, hopefully you'll catch with our beautiful baby. We'll find out in a couple of weeks. I love you so much Marjorie Louise Adkins!" He says before pulling me in an embrace.

"I love you too, Reece Johnathan Knight. Now let's finish up and get ready, it's now 10am." I say before giving him a big kiss.

We finish up and get out of the shower, wrapping warm towels around our soaked bodies. We walk out together back to the bedroom and we get ready for my nieces party.

I wear a white summer dress with small blue flowers scattered in a pattern with white heels. I quickly blow dry my hair and do my makeup before curling my hair. Reece is wearing a t-shirt that says "live laugh love my fiancé" with shorts. He looked so fit.

"Right should we get going?" I say whilst grabbing my phone and purse before walking out of the room, Reece following behind me. I open the front door, waiting for Reece to come out before locking the door and walking to the car. I was driving this time as my cars more brighter in colour.

I jump in the drivers side whilst Reece jumps into the passenger seat. I put my seatbelt on and turn on the ignition.

I pull out of the parking spot and start driving to my cousins house.


Sorry for the confusion!! Pregnancy announcement next chapter.

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