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We're on the way to Marjories nieces birthday party, but she pulls up into Tesco car park.

"I'll be right back. I've got my phone so if you need anything ring me. I love you." She says before opening the car door and hopping out. I just shrug my shoulders thinking maybe she's gone to buy her niece a present and start scrolling through Facebook on my phone. I saw a post from my sister, Autumn.

"10 little fingers, 10 little toes, 2 little eyes, and 1 little nose! Put them together and what have you got? Baby Knight on the way! 2/10/2024. Mummy and Daddy love you lots already! 💙🩷"

I look at the phone shocked but so excited. Me and Marjorie are gonna be an auntie and an uncle!! I can't wait to tell her when she comes back.

I see her coming back to the car with.. mine and Carly's usual meal deal? I don't question it and I smile at her as she climbs back into the car.

"Here you are my love. Why are you so happy?" She says whilst laughing nervously. I pick up my phone and show her Autumns post. The smile on Marjorie's face made my day brighter.

"Oh my God! We're gonna be an auntie and uncle!!!" She says whilst jumping in her seat. She launches over to me and gives me the biggest hug ever.

I laugh whilst she squeezes me very tightly. She finally lets go of me and we start driving again. She was talking about how we were hopefully going to be making that post soon, announcing our pregnancy.

We pull up at her nieces house and we both get out of the car, letting Marjorie go in front of me, she walks into her cousins house and shouts for Aly. She comes running down the stairs.

"Auntie Marge!! You're here!!" She runs up to her and gives Marjorie a big hug.

"Awh hey gorgeous girl. This is Reece, the man that Auntie Marge is with." She introduces me to her and I crouch down and say hello to her. I was expecting a shy response but instead she gives me a hug and says "Hii uncle Reecey!!" She was adorable.

"Hey Aly. Aren't you a little cutie? Happy birthday sweetheart!!" As I hand her a card off me and Marjorie and Marjorie goes to greet her cousin.

Aly gasps happily and says "Thank you!!" And gives me another big hug. I stand up and she takes my hand, running into her kitchen.

"Mummy!! Auntie Marge and Uncle Reecey gave me some money in my card!!" She says excitedly to her mum, Rosalie.

"Awh that's nice. What do you say to them?"

"Thank you!!" She says before running off.

"So you must be Reece. I'm Rosalie, Marjories cousin." She says as she holds her hand ready to shake.

"Yes I am Reece, I'm Marjorie's fiancé." I give her a shake.

"Fiancé?! Marjorie you didn't tell me you were engaged!! Congratulations!" She says as she jumps into Marjories arms.

"Yea he proposed last night." She says as she shows her the ring.

"Awhh that's so cute! Was it romantic?" Rosalie asks me.

"Yea it was very romantic. Top of a mountain with a gorgeous view." I tell her all the details.

"Awh that's so sweet. Look after her for me buddy." She instructs.

"I always will." I say before wrapping my arm around Marjories shoulders. I stare at my gorgeous princess until Aly comes up to me.

"Uncle Reece? Can you come on the bouncy castle with me please?" She asks and she gives me the same look that Marj does when she wants something.

"Of course I can if it's okay with your mummy." I give Rosalie a look.

"Yes that's fine, now run along princess!" She says.

"Yay! Come on Reece!!" She says as she grabs my hand and runs outside to the back garden. Her and Marjorie are lost in conversation whilst me and Aly are having loads of fun on the bouncy castle.

Marjorie and Rose come out and start laughing at us. We both wave at them and start laughing again. Aly gets off and drags Marjorie on with us. She tells Marjorie to sit down next to me and she gives us a little play. What we didn't notice is Rose had snapped a picture of all three of us laughing.

More people started arriving, and Aly ran off to greet them, same with Rose. Me and Marjorie look at each other and start laughing, her head falling onto my shoulder.

"I love that kid. She's so sweet." I tell her. She looks up at me and just gives me a kiss before getting off and running to find Aly.

I follow behind her and walk back inside the house to see everyone sitting down. There's an empty spot next to Marjorie so I sit down next to her. Aly gives us all a little show and it only lasts for 10 minutes. All the adults were gathered around one table and the children gathered around another.

"Hey Rose is it okay if I use your bathroom?" I ask.

"Yes of course. Marj, take him up will you?" She says. Marjorie nods and takes me to the bathroom.



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