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I placed him at my entrance and before I knew it I was sliding down onto him. I throw my head back in ecstasy before rocking my hips back and forth, moaning in pleasure. I look down at him, my first instinct was to kiss him and shove my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues fighting for dominance before Reece wins.

I start to pick up the pace before he grips my hair, pulling on it. I dig my nails into him, which he enjoys.

"REECE!!! PLEASE.." I say, begging for my release. He grips my hair and pulls my head back, groaning at the feel of my walls clenching around him. He pushes my head down, forcing me to look at him. I grab his head and bring it closer to mine, burying him in my neck before he starts making love bites.

I moan at the pleasurable pain before I release myself all over his cock, screaming his name and the word 'fuck' over and over, my body convulsing as he rubs my clit, making me ride down from my orgasm. He looks at me full of lust before flipping us over, taking me by surprise so now he's on top of me. He hoists my legs over his shoulders, allowing the angle to be deeper before moving in and out of me.

"Oh Marjorie, you feel so good. If it gets too much just tell me. I love you." He says before giving me a soft kiss.

"I l- ohhh~" I could barely let out a coherent sentence whilst in this position. He laughs before pulling out, leaving only the tip on before slamming it back in, almost making me lose my vision. I started seeing stars at that point before he groaned in pleasure and something warm spurted inside me. He slowly pulls out, the cum leaking all over the bed.

"Ohh look at you with my cum leaking everywhere~ you really are a naughty girl." He says before scooping me up into his arms before he turns around and his back meets the mattress, my side collided with his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair, causing me to relax straight away and take a deep breath in.

"Are you okay angel? Do you need anything?" He asks before bending his neck to look at me. I look up at him, smiling before giving him a kiss.

"Is that my question being answered?" He says whilst laughing and smiling. I nod before snuggling into his chest, pulling the blanket over us. I look up at him and stare at his gorgeous features, wondering how I got so lucky. He noticed me staring and starts caressing my face.

"How did I get so lucky to end up with a goddess like you? Huh?" He says in a very soft spoken voice. I shrug my shoulders and look away from him. He was not happy about that. He grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him again. This felt more intimate than the times we HAVE been intimate.

"Use your words please Marjorie. How did I get so lucky?" He says before staring down into my eyes.

"I don't know Reece. I don't know how I got so lucky either. Out of all my exes, I've never been treated like this. You're fucking amazing Reecey and I can't thank God enough for bringing you into my life. I mean look at us, brilliant relationship, we're getting married next month and we have our little one growing inside me," I say before looking down at my stomach, rubbing it with my hand, "I really adore you, and I don't want you to ever leave me." I say before planting kisses all over his face.

"Marjorie. From the moment I saw you, I knew I was in love with you. You were so pretty and kind hearted that I knew I just had to have you, it did take you a while to catch up to the same feelings but you're so worth waiting for, that if you still didn't love me now, I would wait until the day I died if it meant I'd have you then. You're the perfect gem in my life and I would be an idiotic man if I ever just decided to get up and leave. Our baby is super duper lucky to have you as its mum. You're the best mum already, sweetheart. Now come here, I wanna be close to you forever, Mrs Knight." That's one of my favourite nicknames from him. He holds onto me tightly as I rest my head between his head and neck, nibbling it gently.

"Seriously? After all the stop talk you start nibbling at my neck?" He says before laughing. I look up at him and start laughing as well. I look down at my hand and admire the ring that Reece had slid on my finger to promise me we'd be together forever. This man I will love and cherish forever.


Big time skip next chapter!! It's the wedding chapter! It'll either be posted in a bit or tomorrow ❤️

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