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5 months later

Autumn is 1 month ahead of me in pregnancy, but we both decided to have a joint baby shower and gender reveal. I'm convinced it's a boy, but Reece is convinced it's a girl. We arrive at Autumns house after everyone else arrives. Autumn and Winter picked up our balloons. Hers was plain black whilst ours said "boy or girl?" So we don't get mixed up. We all had a chat before we announced it was time to find out the genders of our babies. I let Autumn go first as it was her party.

We all counted down from 10 and as she popped the balloon, pink confetti and powder burst everywhere. Winter picked her up and spun her around, screaming, "it's a girl!!" Now it was mine and Reece's turn. They counted down from 10 and as the pin made contact with our balloon, pink confetti and powder also burst everywhere. Everyone screamed before Reece started kissing me loads screaming "it's another girl!!"

I went up to Autumn and gave her a light hug before she squeezed me, jumping and squealing, "Marjorie!! We're having girls! Oh my God they're going to be inseparable." This is the first time I've seen her this happy. I was happy she's regained her smile. We cleaned up the confetti and went back inside, arm in arm, squealing and skipping about us both having girls. Reece and Winter were walking behind us, smiling at us. We all sat down at the table, talking about how we're gonna raise our kids when Reece puts his hand on my ass and squeezes it, knowing he wants me right there.

Autumn sees what's happening with me and Reece and whispers to me "Winter's doing the same thing. Don't worry." Before we both laugh and move away from our horny men, going for a dance. We both dance to 'Oh My God' by Adele before our men come out and start dancing as if it was a Magic Mike show. Everyone's 'wooing' and clapping before our men pick us up and start grinding against us. Me and Autumn look at each other terrified before pushing them off and running inside laughing.

"What do them fools think they're doing?" I say giggling so much that Autumn falls against me laughing too.

"I don't know but we're definitely getting it tonight." She says before laughing again. Winter and Reece come back in, looking at us with lust in their eyes. Me and Autumn let out an 'uh oh' simultaneously before holding onto each other tightly, not letting go. Reece comes over to me and grips my wrist. I hate to admit I actually enjoyed it, "come on gorgeous, we're going home." He says before trying to drag me out but Autumn drags me back, staring into her older brothers eyes.

"Let go of Marjorie. Your shins look rather pasty today." She says before looking down and he lets go before winking at me and walking off, calling Winter after him before winter follows him out.

"I'm going to the shops gorgeous. Do you need anything?" Reece shouts from the hallway.

"Just some Sprite please darling. And a kiss!" I say before he runs back, giving me a peck on the lips, "be back in a bit darling," Reece says before him and Winter leave. Me and Autumn chat about baby names and matching outfits and places we're going to take them when they're born before Reece and Winter come back with smiles on their faces. They were talking about how lucky they were to have us which put a smile on our faces.

Reece comes over and gives me a wet kiss before handing me my sprite. I give him a smile before he sits opposite me, putting his hands out on the table for me to hold. Autumn looks at me then him then me again before Winter does the same thing.

"Marjorie. Autumn. I know we have just found out we're going to have 2 beautiful girls but me and Reece have already came up with names, and they are matching as they will be raised like cousins. Do you want to hear the names now or after they're born?" Winter says, looking between me and Autumn.

Me and Autumn look at each other before nodding and Winter then says "for mine and my sweets daughter, we're thinking Eve Louise Knight," he says before turning to Reece and Reece turns to me, "and for mine and my darlings baby, we're thinking Niamh Marie Knight. Thoughts?" He asks before looking at all 3 of us. Me and Autumn stare at each other in awe, "they're perfect Reece!! Oh my God I love you!!" I say before getting off of my seat and sitting in his lap. "I love you too gorgeous, I can't wait for our little girl to arrive."He says as Autumn stares at us before doing the same with Winter. They're so excited to become dads.




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