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4 weeks later

Over the last few weeks, Marjorie has been running to the bathroom and being sick. I'm starting to get a bit concerned about her.

She comes out of the bathroom after being sick again. "Hey. Sorry about that, dodgy tummy." She says before climbing back into my arms.

"You know Marjorie maybe you're pregnant?" I say because everything that's happening with Marjorie are symptoms of pregnancy.

"Maybe. Could you go to the shop and get some tests for me? If I go out I'll probably be sick again." She asks and I shoot up before getting my shoes on.

"Of course I will darling. I love you, see you in a bit. If you need me ring me." I say before giving her a peck on the lips and leaving the house.

I start driving to the shops when my phone rings. I can see it's Autumn, so I pick up the phone.

"Hey Aut. What's up?" I say, glancing over at the phone.

"Reece. Are you going to the shops by any chance?" She asks.

"Yea I'm on my way there now. Need to get Marjorie some things. Why, what do you need?" I ask.

"Just get me some pickles please. I'm craving them right now." Ew. Pickles.

"Yea. Will do, I'll run them on the way back. See you sis." I say before hanging up the phone. I turn left and pull up into the car park. I find a parking space and get out of the car to go into the shop.

I go into the shop and get the things I need and walk back out again. I get back into my car and start driving again. My phone rings again. This time it's.. Charlotte?

"Oh. Hey Char, everything alright?" I ask confused. Charlotte never rings me.

"Hey Reece. Yea everything's fine. Are you with Marjorie at the moment?" She asks in her soft, quiet voice.

"No not right now, I'm on my way back from the shops. How come?"

"I just wanted to tell her something. I'll give her a ring now. Thanks Reece!" She replies.

"No problem Char. See you." I say before clicking the red button, hanging up the phone and pulling up to Autumns house.

I knock the door and Winter answers.

"Ah hello Reece. Dropping off Autumns pickles I see?" He asks before taking them.

"Yea. Congratulations by the way, you're going to be the best dad." I say before giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Thank you very much Reece. See you later." He says before starting to close the door.

I get back in my car and drive back to Marjories. 20 minutes later I'm walking up to the front door and opening it, calling out for Marjorie.

"Angel? I'm home! I've got the tests." I say before taking my shoes off and going to find her. She runs out of the living room excitedly and takes the box off of me before running upstairs to the bathroom.

I'm pacing around the living room downstairs, anxiously waiting for her. After at least what felt like an hour, she came back down the stairs. I turn around to look at her to see a sad look on her face.

"Oh no baby. Was it negative?" I say before walking over to her.

"Sit down." She says and I feel like my heart is in my throat, however I walk over to the sofa and sit down. Then her face starts to light up and she pulls the test from behind her back.

"I'm pregnant!! We're going to be parents Reece!!" She says whilst smiling and jumping, showing me the positive test.

I sit there shocked before standing up. "I-I'm gonna be a dad? I'm gonna be a dad!! Oh my God I get to be a dad!!" She nods with tears in her eyes before I pick her up and spin her around.

"Oh Marge I'm so happy. I love you so much." I say before pulling her in for a tight embrace. "Is this something we should announce now or should we wait until we know everything's okay?"

"I want to wait until we know everything's okay with baby. Also our weddings next month! I'm so excited!!"

I can't wait to become a dad.


Sorry guys! I got mixed up with the wedding dates! BUT BABY MARJOREECE AAAHHHH!!

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