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1 month later

Today's the day. Today is the day that I become Mrs Knight. I'm so excited yet so nervous. I'm at the venue with Char, Carly, Mia and Autumn getting ready. Charlotte, Carly and Mia are my bridesmaids whilst Autumn is my maid of honour. Had to give her 2 bottles of non alcoholic wine to convince her. Can't give alcohol to a pregnant lady. As she comes out of the bathroom with her dress on, I don't go crazy because I know she isn't ready for this type of emotion. So I simply say "you look gorgeous Autumn."

She smiles back at me before sitting down, letting Rosa do her hair. Char and Mia were helping each other get ready whilst I was helping Carly. Carly was crying, in a happy way of course. She was excited that "her work parents" were getting married. I had Mariam do my hair and Lilliana do my makeup. We were talking about how excited we were for everything. What me and Reece have decided to do is have a door open, me on one side and Reece on the other, and read our love letters to each other. We were going to do that before the ceremony. The girls finished with my makeup and hair before I had to go and put on my dress.

I walk to the bathroom and slide my dress on. It was a beautiful white floral ball gown which had white sneakers to complete it except Char and Mia painted them with "Mrs Knight 30-5-24 ❤️" on them with baby pink paint and covered it in glitter. They were gorgeous. I put the sneakers on and just as I was walking out of the bathroom, Char came in, telling me not to come out because Reece was out there and neither of us wanted to see each other before the wedding.

"Hey girls. Where's my gorgeous girl?" Reece asks them. I hear Carly stuttering then Mia comes up with some lie saying that I've ran home quickly to get something. He says okay and I hear the door open and close again, Charlotte going out to make sure he was gone.

"Coast is clear Marjorie." I say before coming out, seeing all the girls shocked at my dress. They all stare at me, mesmerised.

"Oh my God Marjorie you look beautiful!!!" Mia says before hugging Marjorie. "Look I know we didn't start on good terms, but.. if you're willing to, we can forget about the past and focus on now?" She asks before looking at Marjorie.

"Of course my love. Honestly we were both rats back then. I'd love to start over with you." I say before giving her another hug and she gives me a kiss on the cheek. Charlotte looks at me smiling but gave Mia a death stare. "Uhm excuse me? Amelia Roberts! Where's my kiss?" Char says before walking over to her. Mia starts kissing Charlotte and I look at them in awe. They're so cute together! It was time for me and Reece to read our love letters too each other now so me and the girls walk to my side of the door, Reece already at his with his eyes closed so he doesn't see me.

"Babe? Are you there?" He asks before clearing his throat, preparing for the speech.

"Yes darling. I'm here. Do you wanna start or should I?" I ask him, feeling a lump in my throat.

"I'll go first my love." He says before clearing his throat.

"My dearest Marjorie. As soon as I layed my eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. You were so smart, kind, gorgeous and you're most definitely phenomenal," which caused me to laugh, "you're the most amazing thing that has happened to me. I can't imagine life without you, Marjorie. I'm still falling for you and I can't stop. I adore you with all my heart and I'm so glad you said yes to spending the rest of our lives together. Our little one is so lucky to have you." He finishes before I hear him sniffle. I see his hand in the corner of my eye before taking it and stroking it with my thumb. I decided to repeat everything Reece said but changed it up a little. I let him leave as he is closer to his room than I am to mine. As soon as I hear the door go for his I run back to mine.

The girls were crying their eyes out as they had heard our speeches. "Awh Marjorie that was so sweet. But I do have a question." Charlotte asks. "Yes my love?" I say before looking behind me to make sure no one was there. "What did Reece mean when he said 'our little one is so lucky to have you'?" She asks before realisation hits her. She says quietly, "oh my goodness Marjorie are you pregnant?!" She says whilst smiling before I nod and rub my stomach. The girls all come hug me and congratulate me.

The next thing I know my sister comes into my dressing room and lets me know that the ceremony is about to start. I ask her to send Aly to the room and within 2 minutes Aly came in. She was to walk down the aisle first. 

After Reece and all the men walked down, Aly went with the flowers, sprinkling them everywhere. Then the girls, then Autumn, and finally it was me.



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