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Me and Autumn were talking whilst Reece and Winter were listening to us. We were laughing at the embarrassing moments we had in the nursery together, like the time when I kept sending naughty messages to Winter every time she left the office. She ended up calling in sick the next morning, said she couldn't walk.

Time flew by and it was time to leave. I congratulated Autumn and gave her a hug. She hugged me back and said "I'll message you later. Try not to have too much fun now," she says before winking at me. "You too. Tell me how it goes?" I ask before she nods and says, "you as well," as we leave. With me and Autumn, there's no TMI. We tell each other literally everything. Me and Reece are on the way home in silence before he grips my thigh, growling.

"You're too fucking hot Marjorie. I can't take it anymore," he says before pulling up to his house. He picks me up and takes me inside before pushing me against the wall, kissing me with all of his might. He growls at me before instructing me to lift my arms up, sliding my shirt off of my head before connecting his lips with mine again. He takes me to the living room and plants me down on the sofa before taking his clothes off. I look at his dick like I've never seen it before, licking my lips.

"Marjorie? Are you seriously licking your lips? Do you want it that bad?" He asks before bringing the tip to my lips, moving it from left to right before shoving it into my mouth. I take it in like the good girl I am but this time, he's in control. He's going to decide how far to put it, how long to hold it for, and if he's going to cum down my throat. "If it gets too much baby, tell me," he says before bending down and giving me a tender kiss on the forehead. He starts fucking my face with his dick, groaning out my name and telling me how much of a good girl I'm being.

He lets his shaft hit the back of my throat, holding it there before pulling out completely to let me breathe. I take in massive gulps of air before placing him back into my mouth. He grips my hair with his hands, holding my head still before fucking his dick into my mouth. I take it like the good slut I am before he releases into my mouth. I swallow it before letting him slip out, taking big gulps of air once again. He bends down and asks me, "are you okay gorgeous?" I nod yes before positioning myself on the sofa. My back met the sofa and I spread my legs, holding them with each hand.

Reece looks down then growls once again, he gets down onto his knees and starts to play with my pussy. I throw my head back in ecstasy before looking back up at him, biting my lip. He shoves two fingers into me, thrusting them and curling them, making sure to hit that g-spot. Just as I was about to cum, he removes his fingers from me and brings them up to his lips, licking them clean before placing himself at my entrance. He looks at me smiling before slowly letting the tip pass my folds to go inside me. I moan loudly before he goes deep inside, letting me get used to his size before moving again.

He moves in and out at a not too slow but not too fast pace, looking at me constantly to make sure I'm okay before moving again. I moan his name really loudly and he starts pounding into me, balls hitting the bottom of my pussy one time after the other. He slaps the inside of my thigh playfully before slowing down again but not too much. "You're so tight princess, I love it." He says before bending down and giving me a kiss full of desperation. It didn't take long before he released himself inside of me, moaning out my full name. He collapsed beside me, trying to catch his breath before pulling out slowly.

I led there with a thin layer of sweat covering my body, even though Reece did all of the work. He looks over at me, brushing my hair out of my face delicately with his finger, "are you alright gorgeous? Do you want me to get you anything?" He asks before caressing my face with the back of his hand. "No I'm alright thank you, jeez you don't give up easily during sex hey?" I say before laughing and he gasps, "wow how nice are you?!" He says with his mouth in an O shape.

"If I wasn't that nice, why'd you marry me and put a baby inside me?" I say before looking down at my pregnant belly, rubbing it to get Niamh to kick. She starts to move about as I grab Reece's hand and place it in my tummy, so he can feel his daughter kick. She kicks Reece's hand and he's over the moon. He starts speaking to her saying, "hey sweet baby, it's your daddy. Me and mummy already love you so much and I will do anything to protect you and mummy. Your mummy is the best mummy in the world already, and I love her so much. I'll see you soon sweet Niamh," and he finishes it with a kiss on the tummy. He looks up at me and gives me a soft kiss on my lips.

He's going to be the best father ever.



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