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I look up after Aut takes her place before I see the curtains open and I see my gorgeous girl stood there. Everybody turns around to look at her and I could hear at least 10 people gasping and complimenting her dress. She starts to walk down the aisle whilst waving and smiling at the guests before looking at me. I look at her, with tears in my eyes as I was making this woman my wife.

She gets to the front and I take her hand whilst she steps up onto the altar and stands in front of me. I lean over and whisper into her ear, "you look fucking stunning my love." She smiles and tells me I look handsome. The priest orders everyone to be seated for the ceremony. Everybody sits down in silence and listens to the priest talk about how we're celebrating our wedding. I know prick, hurry up. After what felt like an eternity, he finally asks:

"Reece Johnathan Knight, do you take thee Marjorie Louise Adkins to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, til death do us part?" He says before everyone looks at me.

"I do." I say and I can see Marjorie's eyes start to fill with tears. He then turns to Marjorie and says:

"Marjorie Louise Adkins, do you take thee Reece Johnathan Knight to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish, to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, til death do us part?"

"I do." She says before smiling at me. She looked so beautiful.

"Well with all of that being said, I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kis- okay then." My lips were already on hers by the time he got to 'kiss'. Everyone burst into applause and cheer before we separated our lips and smiled at each other, tears streaming down our face. We take each others hands and walk back down the isle, waving at everybody before walking out of the ceremony and back to my room. My men were too busy trying to find their girlfriends so nobody knew we were in my one. I let go of her hand before turning around and locking the door. I turn around and rush to her before kissing her, full of desperation.

"Reece~ I need you." She says before trying to take my trousers off but I grip her wrist, stopping her successfully.

"If we start, we'll never stop. I'm sorry gorgeous, when we get home though we can. Could you wait for me?" I ask, looking in her eyes.

"But I- fine." She says before I give her one last kiss and unlock the door. We both quickly walk out before anyone sees us and we head on down to the party. We got there after everyone else did and we were greeted by applause. We walk straight to the dance floor to join the others before my men call me over. She goes off to Char, Mia and Carly before I walk off to my friends. I spoke to my friends for 35 minutes before Marjorie came over.

"Come with me. Now." She says as she grabs my hand and takes me to the bathrooms on the other side of the building. We walk in and she locks the door before walking towards me, her eyes full of lust.

"Reecey~ please? I want it." She says before rubbing her hand over my growing bulge. I stare at her before laughing. She whines before turning around and lifting her dress up, showing me her soaking wet lacy thong. She bends over the sink before she circles her clit through her underwear. It is a beautiful sight.

"Oh fuck it. Come here you fucking whore~" I say before sliding underneath her, sliding her underwear off before lowering her down on my face. I start playing with her clit before sliding my tongue into her wet hole. She starts grinding my face, making a mess with her cum but I didn't care.

"Oh God please more!!" She screams, before literally sitting on my face. She rides my face fast and hard before releasing all over my tongue, screaming in pleasure. I slide out from underneath her before giving her a hug from behind, surprising her.

That was our first time being intimate as Mr and Mrs Knight. It's never felt better.



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