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"Ray Foster, Queen, Queen, Ray Foster." John introduced the band to one of the producers at EMI.

"So this is Queen."

"In the flesh." Freddie grinned.

"You're a great band, you have a hit."

The band all shared similar looks of pride.

"That's the problem. You have a hit. One hit."

Their faces all slightly dropped.

"One hit is better than no hits." Hyacinth said, shrugging.

"And we're here, aren't we?" Roger started. "You're trying to be our producer so it can't be that big of a problem."

"Exactly. i'm trying to be your producer, but i have nothing to produce. You have no album!"

"We're working on that." Deaky said, which wasn't completely untrue.

Brian had been playing around on the guitar, same with Roger and his drums. And Freddie and Hyacinth were both working on new songs here and there.

"Well you better hurry up with it. i need a full A side and B side. Good songs. Songs that have the potential to become hits."

"Well you've come to the right band for that." Freddie said, once again grinning at Ray Foster.

"Yeah," Brian agreed. "We'll make a whole album full of hits."

"You better. I'll give you lot a month."

They all glanced at each other, a month was definitely not long enough for an entire album full of hits.

"Make that two." Roger bargained.

"Five weeks."

"Eight weeks." Cynth offered.

"Two months is eight weeks." Deaky whispered.

"Seven weeks."


Hyacinth glances at her band mates for confirmation, all of which nodded in agreement - except Roger, who simply gave her an unreadable look, the same look her had while staring at her since she walked in (five minutes later than the rest of the band).

"See you in six weeks, Foster." She agreed and stood up to shake his hand.

The five of them left while John stayed back for a moment.

"Six weeks for twelve tracks." Brian said, only now realising that six weeks was definitely not enough time.

"Two tracks a week." Deaky said, also starting to worry about the deadline.

"Hey, look." Roger started. "There's five of us, we have six weeks to write twelve tracks, it's gonna be a piece of cake!"

"Yeah!" Cynth agreed. "I've already written the lyrics for a couple songs, and i can help with the instruments if we're strugggling.."

Freddie nodded in agreement. "Yes and worst comes to worst, we'll just have to pull out Cynthi's teenage diary of poems and lyrics."

"No, Freddie, worst comes to worst and i open up your head and physically remove all memories of that boom from your brain."

Before the two had time to start squabbling Reid came outside.

"Back your bags, we're going on a trip."

"a trip?" Hyacinth gasped excitedly.

"A trip to write the album, somewhere away from distractions."

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