1. A Very Thoughtful Gift *cough cough*

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Hi all! This first chatroom chapter is not as good as all the others on Wattpad but I tried. I love the Avengers! By the ways, I do not own any of the Marvel moves or comics I have said. My favourite Avenger is Hawkeye so I may do a bit of favourism in the chatrooms. Enjoy!

(The Avengers online)

Clint: Merry Xmas, Avengers!

Thor: Happy Jesus birth day, fellow Avengers!

Natasha: Let's open our presents.

Steve: I've got you all the best presents ever!

Tony: *opens present* Umm...

Bruce: *opens present* Umm...

Natasha: *opens present* Umm...

Clint: *opens present* Umm...

Thor: *opens present* WOW!

Steve: See! I knew you'd love them!

Natasha: Umm, Steve, why did you get us all matching Captain America suits?

Bruce: I'm not going to be able to fit it once I'm in Hulk form.

Steve: *cries in the corner* But Bruce, what Tony got you is horrible!

Tony: Hey, a Hulk-size lab coat is very hard to get!

Clint: Come off it, you just stick ten pieces of white bed sheets together!

(Fury is online)

Fury: Will someone tell me what Rogers' suit is doing under my Xmas tree?

Natasha: *mutters sarcastically* Well Merry Xmas to you too, boss.

Steve: I think I'm gonna go and refund your gifts guys. Luckily, I have this piece of white paper with a list of your gifts and their costs on them.

Tony: You mean a receipt?

Clint: Who wants some shwarma?


Fury: One, how do you know it's open? It's Xmas Day and two, I bags not paying the bill!

Everyone: *looks at Tony expectantly*

Tony (after a while): Alright, I'll pay.

Steve: Wise choice, rich boy! And yes, Fury, shwarma is open! I just saw it on the way to return your gifts that I spent a lot of money to get *cough cough*


(The Avengers have logged off)(Fury has logged off)

First chapter over. Very bad, I know. I'll try my best though and that's what counts *winks* By the ways, I'm very sorry if I offended anyone with the "Death of Jesus Day" thing. I'm not Catholic so if anyone would like to correct me, please do! Also I'd really appreciate it if you all read my Y-Vis Emvii War story. It's similar to the Avengers but children version.

By the ways, there's no Clintasha yet. Maybe I'll add that soon.

Next up is shwarma!

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