64. Christine Everhart

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(Christine Everhart is online)

Christine: Hello, keen readers. I'm Christine Everhart, reporter from the Vanity Fair Magazine, but of course, you already know that because I'm sah fabulous! *flips hair* Now, I hear you all like the Avengers?

(Tony is online)

Tony: Correction! They all like MEEEEEEEEE!

Tony: Hey what are you doing here, BTW?

Christine: Breathing. Get lost, Stark.

Tony: Okay, sure. But don't cry if I won't have you when you come crawling back!

Christine: Ha-ha. Hilarious.

Tony: Thanks! Bye!!

(Tony has logged off)

Christine: So anyways, I'm giving you readers a once-in-a-lifetime chance (not really once-in-a-lifetime but anyways!) to ask the Avengers or any of their associates whatever you want! This can be anyone from the narcisstic Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff to Cassie Lang, Ant-Man aka Scott Lang's duaghter! Chrissiedooo will post up another chapter soon when we have enough questions. Now, toodles everyone!

(Natasha is online)

Natasha: I'm not narcisstic, Miss Everhart.

Christine: That's Miss Everhart to you, Nat.

Natasha: *rolls eyes* That's Miss Romanoff to you, Miss Everhart.

Christine: Gah! So, ignoring this annoying red-head, see you all next time, readers!

(Christine Everhart has logged off)

Natasha: *bursts out laughing* Didn't even notice.

(Christine Everhart is online)

Christine: NOTICE WHAT???

Natasha: Nothing.

(Christine Everhart has logged off)

Natasha: That I poured tea into her perfume bottle. #BossAssassin

(Natasha has logged off)

A/N- Yes guys! I wanted to do an Ask The Avengers but I wanted to jazz it up a little. PM me your questions or write it in the comments and I will post it up in interview form when I'm ready.

Lotsa love,


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