34. When Emma and Chrissie Go Shopping

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(Emma and Chrissie are online)

Emma: I can't wait to go shopping I need some new running shoes!!!!!!

Chrissie: Do you need to tell your dad where you're going?

Emma: I should but he's probably right behind me. *flips dad over*

(Pietro is online)

Emma: Don't spy on me!

Pietro: Ouch! Alright then, go!

Chrissie: lolololololol

Emma: What, didn't see that coming?

Pietro: Hey!

Chrissie: Quick, Emma! We must get to the shoe sale at ShoesRUs before everyone else! *cough* superspeed *cough*

Emma: Jump on!

Chrissie: See ya Pietro! *jumps on Emma*

At ShoesRUs

Emma: *superspeeds to ShoesRUs* We're here!

Chrissie: lol that was fun!

Chrissie: Here are the sports shoes section? Why are there so many boys here?

Chrissie: Cooties! Bleurgh!

Emma: I don't swing by that but please don't tell my aunt or dad or anyone!

Chrissie: Secret's safe with me!

Emma: Cool look at these Nikes!

Chrissie: These Nikes are on special too! You should buy 'em!

(Random guy is online)

Random guy: Look at that! Two chicks in front of me!

Random guy: *smooths back hair* *walks over to girl holding Nikes*

Chrissie: Oh look...some guy.

Chrissie: Bleurgh!

Emma: Shall we play a game? *shoots fire from hands*

Chrissie: Okay wow! a? how did you do that and b)HIS HAIR IS ON FIIIIIIIIIIIIRE!


Emma: I don't know, I just got mad and bam fire came outta my hands!

Random guy: *knocks head on wall to make the flame disappear*

Random guy: Hey chick wanna go out for a drink or something?

Chrissie: Mate she's 14!

Emma: I don't swing by that and even if I did I would still say no!

Random guy: *cries*

Chrissie: lol that rejected face!

Chrissie: Oh look your dad! Wait...your dad??

(Pietro is online)

Emma: DAD!!!!

Pietro: Eep! Umm...err...


Random guy: Geez Russian dude! Want a piece of me? And my gang?

(Random guy has invited Gang to the chat)

Emma: Leave my father alone!! *hands become full of flames*

Pietro: Emma! What-what-okay no wait-how-gah! We'll deal with this later!

Gang Member 1: Look! Two girls who think they can beat us with a Russian dude!

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