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Flashback : TOLD FROM 3rd PERSON (rest of the chapters will be first person)

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Flashback : TOLD FROM 3rd PERSON (rest of the chapters will be first person).

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3rd person: Chapter 01.

Elias sat right next to Kaiden, holding the other boys hand and licking on his ice cream. It was mint chocolate— his favorite. It was specifically the green kind because who likes mint chocolate when it isn't green? Rhetorical question— no one!

"I'm hungry." Kaiden complained. Elias noticed that he wasn't eating his ice cream. The boy seemed to be struggling and contemplating something.

Elias beamed at his friend. "We can go to my house and eat! After that we can play superhero!" the blonde haired boy exclaimed. His green eyes were wide and excited, his cheeks rising up into a cute, chubby smile.

"What do you have at home to eat?" Kaiden asked.

"Well my mommy's making Calamari." Elias said.

"Is that the nasty squid fish thingy?"

Elias frowned. "That's mean. Mama said it's about of my culture!"

Kaiden groaned and pouted, giving his friend a hesitant look. "I don't want that kind of food." he complained and kicked his feet out of anger. "I'm really hungry!"

"Then you can have some of my ice cream!" Elias said, pushing a soggy, melted ice cream toward the other boy. Kaiden gave him a bored look and gagged. Elias scowled. "Fine, let's play instead and then you'll forget about ever being hungry."

"Okay. Let's go to the forest." Kaiden said. He stood up and dragged Elias with him, away from their parent's vision. Previously, they had been in a park eating ice cream together.

Kaiden and Elias's mothers were sat at a bench a bit far from them but still close enough to see their every move. Kaiden had inherited most his mother's features. Pitch black hair and black eyes. Their skin was awfully pale but it simply made them look like celebrities or like they had natural makeup. It was hard to see any emotion behind their eyes. Black eyes were absorbent. It sucked in all light yet it was filled with warmth.

Elias really liked those eyes.

"Follow me." Kaiden said as he dragged Elias towards a forest full of green. There was a fence blocking anyone from entering, but since they were small the two boys were able to under the fence easily.

Elias hesitantly looked back at their mothers. "Shouldn't we tell them where we're going?" he asked.

"Who cares." Kaiden said boredly.

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