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╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝
Elias Artino: Chapter 22

I had immediately ran home after my interaction with Auntie Mary and Kaiden. It had been a couple of days and since it was the weekend, I didn't have to see Kaiden in school. I didn't think I had it in me to talk to him right now.. or for the next 20 years.

From my room I could smell a horrible stench. It was either a dead animal in the walls, bugs around my room or my mother's drugs. Maybe the house was rotting or something. I wouldn't be surprised if it was since my house was old and never cleaned. Not to mention, my room was still a mess since my own mother destroyed it. Clothes were still scattered around and my bed was still broken. My laptop wasn't in any better shape. I was sure in a couple of days my grades would fall because all the notes I saved on there were deleted. The only option I had to submit my homework was through my phone.

Both Kaiden and his mother really did live in paradise. She even greeted him when he came home. He was lucky to even be greeted let alone given a nice home. I'm stuck with a drug addict and a drinker who couldn't care any more about me.

I opened up my phone to see new text messages from all my friends. I was so glad that I could call them friends. A year ago I thought I'd never have anyone to talk to let alone hang out with. Not to mention, but we all created a group chat to talk in. I didn't text much but they all texted each other. Occasionally I would see Marion and Delphine texting in French, but they mostly tried to text in English. They all had to buy new phones in America because their numbers and apps wouldn't work.

Unlike Marion and Delphine, Kuro and James weren't actually.. "elite" at English. But that didn't matter to me. As long as they were my friends, I was fine.

Do you all want to hangout?
Seen | 2:13 P.M.

Seen | 2:13 P.M.

Yes or no, @James?
Seen | 2:14 P.M.

I say ok
Not no understand
Seen | 2:14 P.M.

Type in Greek. Your English is horrible.
We can use Google Translate.
Seen | 2:14 P.M.

Είπα ναι ηλίθιε 😒
Seen | 2:15 P.M.
↳  iPhone detected Greek: "I said yes you idiot 😒"

I snorted at the message, silently thanking iPhone for translating it. James certainly wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind. Atleast I knew he was a very honest person..

I think you're the idiot here.
Seen | 2:15 P.M.

I agree
James is a stupid fuck
Seen | 2:15 P.M.

Τουλάχιστον μπορώ να μιλήσω αγγλικά καλύτερα από εσάς
Seen | 2:16 P.M.
iPhone decteted Greek: "Atleast I can speak English better than you"

Okay? Atleast I can type in English
Seen | 2:16 P.M.

But not speak it
Seen | 2:16 P.M.

All of a sudden confetti popped up on the screen alongside with Kuro's message.

Congrats you typed something with no mistakes! 🎉
Seen | 2:16 P.M.

I decided to interrupt their messaging before it turned into a full-on fight. Kuro and James were more like annoying siblings than friends. It was like watching two brothers fight over a remote control just because one of them was hogging up the TV. I can bet you that they have fought over a controller already. Wait.. how long have they been friends?

@Marion where would we go to hangout?
And stop fighting.
Delivered | 2:16 P.M.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud coming from downstairs. I quickly turned around and ran to shut and lock my door. I hadn't expected my mom to be back so early. It was 2 P.M. and she usually comes back at midnight. What was with the big change?

I heard her steps creeping closer to my room. The tiles on the floor were always creaky so I could hear her quite well. I didn't know exactly what she did outside of home, but I knew it was nothing good. I also still don't know the exact reason she started drinking and I knew that she'd never tell me. We haven't had a proper conversation in years. I wasn't sure if it was possible for us to even talk normally without shouting or hitting.

"Elias are you there?" I heard my mother's voice asked. Her words were slurred. She was drunk again.

When I didn't respond she knocked on my door a couple of times. "I know you're there. Elias?"

I kept silent.

My doorknob shook. She was trying to get into my room.

I silently prayed that the lock was working. I didn't want to get hit, I didn't want to get yelled at and I didn't want to cry.

"Elias open the door! It's your mommy!" her voice pierced through the walls. My door shook and I could tell she was kicking it or ramming her body into it.

I didn't know what happened. All of a sudden I was feeling way too overwhelmed and way too emotional and I had dropped to the ground, putting my hands over my ears to block her out. Maybe it was because of when she recently broke into my room and wrecked everything, or maybe it was because of the many times she hit and yelled at me. I didn't know exactly what it was, but my body reacted in a violent way.

I didn't know how to describe it. Overwhelming was all I could say.

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Sorry if any translations in this chapter was wrong! Of course, I used Google Translate so it's probably not 100% correct. I apologize if it's not! Also, in case you don't know what happened at the end, Elias had a panic attack. I didn't want to go too-depth into it for the purpose of future chapters. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

QUESTION: What language do you think Kuro speaks?
Hint: It has nothing to do with his name.

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