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WARNINGS: mild cursing.
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Elias Artino: Chapter 16

I pulled away and put the bracelets back on. Kaiden remained silent, staring at the place where my wrist was a second ago. He had an oddly blank expression on his face.

"Uh.. hello?" I called out to him, "Kaiden?"

When he didn't respond, I used my finger to flick him on the forehead. Kaiden immediately backed away and snapped out of whatever trance he was in. It wasn't a hard flick or anything.. but his forehead had a little red mark. I was hoping he wouldn't get angry over something like that.

"What the fuck was that for?" Kaiden asked, clutching his forehead.

"S-sorry was I too rough?"

"You were more than too rough. How is it even possible to flick someone that hard?"

"Sorry.. but you zoned out and I didn't know what else to do.." I decided to switch the topic. "Anyway, w-what do you think about the mark?"

"It proved to me what I needed to know." he said. Kaiden's face was completely serious. He was looking right into my eyes, and for once, I saw something in them. There was a glint of recognition.

I stared at him, confused. Could he at least give me a bit of context as to what was proved? I was starting to think Kaiden spoke in confusing riddles or that he was a drug addict who went through some serious brain damage. Then again.. maybe he did go through something. It was either that, or that he lost his memory. I still didn't know if Kaiden recognized me or why he disappeared. I wanted to pry into his life— to find the why and the how.

"I-I want to ask you something.." I hesitantly stated. I clenched the fabric of my pants and looked at my lap.

"What is it?" Kaiden asked.

I bit the inside of my cheek and slowly looked into his dark eyes. I wanted to know the answer. Even if it was one that I wasn't expecting, so be it. I took a deep breath to calm myself and my beating heart— to ignore all the thoughts running wild in my head.

"Do you remember me at all?" I finally asked. It was a simple question, but it took me forever to ask. I should've asked Kaiden the second I met him, the second he said he didn't know me.

"Remember you?" Kaiden echoed. I nodded. "Did you know me, Elias?"

"Y-yeah I did."

"And what were we?" he asked. What were we? What kind of question is that? What more could we be than friends or simply strangers?

"Friends." I said, "we were best friends."

"I.." Kaiden hesitated. "I wouldn't know. Some of my memories are jumbled up or completely gone."

"B-but how? We used to spend so much time together." I said, playing with my fingers out of nervousness. Did he go through an accident? What could've made Kaiden forget me and everything we had. "Do you not believe that we were friends?" I asked.

"No I do." Kaiden said, but the look on his face wasn't very convincing.

I groaned and pulled out my phone, hitting the camera app and opening up all of the photos I had taken of us. I had a huge album of him and me. Memories, sweet moments, jokes, accidental pictures. Everything. I pushed my phone over to Kaidens side of the table.

"These are photos of you and me. I r-really am telling the truth.."

Kaiden took my phone and scrolled through the pictures, his right eye twitched.

"Fuck, that really is me." he said, zooming in on one of the photos. He examined his face in the picture and smirked. Kaiden looked up at me. "How did you get me to smile in all of these?"

"W-what do you mean how? You always smiled."

Kaiden hadn't seemed to hear me as he kept on scrolling through the photos. He landed on one where we were in his old house, sitting at his dinner table. His mom was in the picture, smiling brightly at the both of us and not realizing she was having her picture taken. That was when we were in middle school and Kaiden had invited me over after my mom had hit me. I remembered it vividly. Kaidens mom— who I referred to as Auntie Mary— was such a kind woman. She never forced me to talk about my mother and always helped with my injuries. I really wanted to see her again.

"What the fuck is going on?" Kaiden asked. "If we really were best friends, why the fuck hasn't my mother told me and why the fuck don't I have any pictures of you?"

He paused for a second before putting my phone down. Kaiden looked like he realized something. "Oh." he said, "oh."


"Wait for me after school." Kaiden said.

"W-wait why—"

The bell rung indicating the end of the period. It was time to head back to our classes and I was dreading P.E. But, I had it with Marion and James so at least I was with people I knew. Still, I wanted to know why Kaiden wanted me to wait for him after school. Was he planning on telling me something?

Kaiden abruptly stood up and walked back into the school. I shortly followed after him. As soon as we entered the school again, we parted our ways to go to different classes. I looked around for the group again but couldn't find them anywhere. Since it was passing period, everyone was crowding the halls.

I wasn't very tall so I couldn't see above anyone or anything. In fact, I usually get thrown during passing period. I was lucky enough to be to getting thrown today.

"Elias!" I heard Marion's voice and the next second, I was being dragged by her to the gymnasium. "Gosh where were you?! We didn't see you for the whole period!" she said. James stood next to her and nodded.

"Maybe he was studying."

"Elias never studies but he somehow passes all his classes." Marion said, "so you are wrong."

"I-I study!" I said.

"Sure you do." James said, smirking down at me. I felt myself getting annoyed by him.

"You know every single time you open your mouth, I want to punch you!" I harshly said.

"I'm sure your punches are as soft." he said in such a manner that sounded like a compliment. It only made me angrier.

I angrily walked away and dragged Marion with me.

"Hey! You guys can't just leave me behind!" James shouted.

It was too late. We already did.

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QUESTION: Why do you think Kaiden wants Elias to wait for him?

Thanks for reading and remember to vote! I've finally reached 500 reads so far and I'm so happy people are enjoying and clicking on my book! Thanks so much! 📚

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