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Elias Artino: Chapter 09

It had been a couple of minutes since Kaiden had left me. All I knew was that I was standing in the same spot for over 12 minutes, staring straight ahead of me.

All I could think about was Kaiden and I wanted to cry.

He's alive. I thought. He's alive and well and that's all you need.

"Fuck Elias what are you doing out here?!" I heard James familiar voice shout. He grabbed me by my arm and knocked me out of whatever trance I was in.

"J-James?" I called out as if he wasn't already there. "Where's Kuro? Y-you guys are u-usually together." I asked.

"He can't come in the forest. It's too dangerous if he gets caught." James said.

"C-caught by who?"

James sighed and dragged me towards the main area. "People like me." he said.

"And what are you like?" I found myself interested. If Kaiden was here, anything was possible. I had thought he was dead for several years and he was here and right infront of me a couple of seconds ago. Nothing felt real right now. I didn't even know if I really saw Kaiden. He was totally different and much, much less child-like. Maybe I had been hallucinating.

James looked at me and sighed. He ignored my question and continued dragging me along.

"J-James you're here right?" I asked.

He gave me an odd look and paused. I waited for him to respond but instead I earned myself a staring contest.

"Did you hit your head?" he asked, exasperated.

"What?! N-no.. it's just that I saw someone and.." I trailed off.


"I-I don't know if it was real." I paused for a second before mumbling, "I really want it to be real."

This time, James didn't just stop. Instead, he bent down and patted me to check for.. something. I didn't know what exactly he was checking for, but he was pretty serious. He stared at me for a couple of seconds before backing away and giving me an odd look. "Maybe it's the claim.." he mumbled. James pulled up my sleeve to reveal the mark and this time, it had gotten bigger.

What the—

"Fuck." he completed my thoughts for me. "Elias, I need to know who you saw." James urgently said.

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