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WARNINGS: mild cursing.
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Elias Artino: Chapter 17

I pulled my books out from my locker and shoved them in my bag. Why did Kaiden want me to wait for him after school? I stared off in space and thought about the possibilities, each one making me feel a tumble of emotions. Maybe he wanted to become friends again.. or maybe he wanted me to leave me alone. He might even want me to erase the photos of us on my phone.

I liked Kaiden. I didn't want him to throw me away or anything.. I didn't think I could take that again. I finally had him back and I wasn't gonna let him go! My heart slightly clenched at the thought of him leaving and disappearing again.

Sure, he was a little distant and a little hard to understand but he's still the Kaiden I knew. He's just a little older now.. and much, much more attractive. But I didn't have a childish crush on him anymore and even if I did, I knew that it'd be stupid to have such feelings for him. There was no way in hell that he was gay or even bisexual. He looks straight and gets tons of attention from girls even though he's only been in town for less than 2 weeks. He was even hanging out with the "popular" students.

If anything, I was nothing to him. It hurt a little to think about but that was best. I didn't want to get close to him. I didn't want to feel what I felt before or to constantly seek his shelter. If I got too close to him, I'd crumble. I'd rely on Kaiden and I would wish for something more than friendship.

I wasn't stupid. I was never going to do that.

"What are you thinking about?" Kuro nudged me in the shoulder. I hadn't seen him all day.

"N-nothing." I said, shrugging.

"Really? You looked so lost in thought that I was almost mesmerized." Kuro joked.

"Y-you're acting as if you're never lost in thought either!" 

"Yeah whatever." he rolled his eyes. I noticed that he was already done packing and that James wasn't next to him. They were usually with each other— no they were always with each other.

"Where's James?" I asked.

Kuro crossed his arms and avoided my eyes. "The stupid fuck is too busy hitting on girls." he swore, a little anger lacing his voice. If I was being honest.. Kuro looked a little cute when he was angry. And then I realized something. It wasn't anger. It was jealousy.

"Kuro.. do you like James?" I decided to tease him, smirking up at his angry face.

"What?!" he screeched, "no way in hell do I like that guy! I'm 100% straight and I'm only angry because James promised he would help me with the project!"

I giggled. "I-it was just a joke! I know you like Marion anyway."

"Wait how did you know I like her?" he suddenly asked, staring at me with wide eyes. Was he serious? It was so obvious.

I closed my locker and smiled at him. "You're so stupid." I said.

"Wait Elias—"

I was already walking off and getting buried in the crowd of students. I had spent too much time talking with Kuro and I didn't want to leave Kaiden waiting. Luckily for me, when I stepped outside school campus, he was nowhere to be found. He was most likely still packing up.

I waited for him, watching people pass by with friends or get into cars and drive off. There were parents who came to get their kids or siblings who came to walk them home. I realized that I had no one like that. No one would blood related to me would take time out of their day just to see me. No one would give me a kiss on the cheek or congratulate me on winning an award.

It was just me and my mother. The only things that she does are drink and beat me up. Not to mention, but also wreck my room and all of my clothes. I've been wearing the same set of clothes now. There were some clothes that survived like short sleeve shirts or shorts.. but I wasn't even confident enough to show my arms let alone my legs.

I kicked a stone and checked the time. What's taking him forever? I thought. Did he forget?

"Fuck— sorry Elias."

Speak of the devil.

Kaiden stood infront of me, panting and wiping sweat off of his forehead. He looked like he ran all the way down here.

"Some guys forced me to play basketball." he said, "they all fucking sucked."

"I-it's okay. I wasn't waiting for long and it's better if you have fun than being with me."

"Who said you're not fun?"

"I-I didn't say that.." I said in defense.

"You were hinting at it."

I groaned. Why did Kaiden have to read into everything I say?

"Anyway let's go. I'm bringing you to my house and my cars just over there." Kaiden said, pointing to a vehicle. "Do you want to get something to eat first or should we eat at my house?"

"Wait what?!" I didn't agree to go to his house let alone get into his car or go out to eat!


"What do you mean what?! I-I didn't know I was going to your house.."

"Well you know now."

"Why're we going to your house anyways?" I asked, confused.

"We're gonna be friends again, Elias. Isn't it obvious?"

Friends again? What kind of psychopath words "let's be friends" like that?!

I felt my cheeks heat up when I realized what he said. He had believed what I said and he wanted to be friends again. I felt my stomach swirl a bit with happiness and felt myself become a little lighter and just a little bit excited.

"You're also going to see my mom." Kaiden said.


"Because she lives in my house."

I facepalmed myself. "That's not what I meant! I meant why did you mention that?"

"I mentioned it because once she sees you, she'll talk her head off." Kaiden said, rolling his eyes.

"I already knew that. W-when we were friends I called your mom Auntie Mary." I said.

"What else do you remember about her?"

I looked up at the sky while walking alongside Kaiden. "I remember her being really kind and always talking in Russian. I was always at your house that Auntie Mary had gotten so used to me. Sometimes she'd ask me to do something in Russian accidentally. Because of you and her, I know a bit of the language."

"I taught you Russian?" Kaiden asked.

I giggled. "Only the swear words!"

I didn't notice the way he looked at me or the way his eyes softened. I only noticed the small amount of blush suddenly appearing on his ears.

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Thanks for reading chapter 17! I've uploaded 3 days in a row! I'll probably not upload tomorrow or consistently Faust for this week because I'm going somewhere for Summer. I will try though!

QUESTION: What do you think happened to Kaidens mom (auntie Mary)?

Make sure to vote for the story if you haven't already! Thanks ^^

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