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Elias Artino: Chapter 12

The next day I woke up with a pounding headache and enough will to kill myself. I had quickly recalled everything that happened yesterday. I woke up in my bed which showed me my mother head a very tiny bit of kindness still left in her.

I dragged myself into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. The cut I had gotten from my mother still remained on my cheek. It was a bit red because of her hand that had slapped my face.

It wasn't like all the other times I looked in the mirror. My features were now more visible and my hair didn't cover my eyes. I still had bangs, but they were parted to the side and everything on my face was open for everyone to see.

My hair was short compared to the length it was before. It looked purposeful— almost good. But I hated it. I hated how open I felt and I hated that my hair was cut off forcefully. Out of everything, I hated my mother.

It was the weekend and I would rather be far, far away from home.

Before I knew it, I was walking through the woods that I had first met Kaiden in. I was hoping he would be here, but he wasn't. Everything was quiet and empty expect for the occasional chirping or rustling of leaves. I sat down on a rock and stared into nothing.

"You're here again." a familiar voice called out. I turned around to see Kaiden and nodded. I thought he wasn't here. "Why did you come back? You're not supposed to be here."

"N-neither are you." I retorted.

He ignored my comment. "You got a haircut."

I huffed out a dry, empty laugh. "Sure, a haircut."

His eye twitched— or maybe not. I didn't know if I hallucinated it. "That's the first time you haven't stuttered." Kaiden said.

"I only stutter when im nervous."

"So what made you not nervous?"

I paused at that. What did not make me nervous? Whenever I was around Kaiden, I could feel nervous, happy, insecure or simply calm like now. Anything was possible around him. There was no explanation to it.

I shrugged.

Kaiden was silent for a minute before he came and sat down next to me. I felt my heart flutter when our arms slightly touched. Even while we were sitting, he was noticeably taller than me.

I decided to be risky and take a glance at him. I didn't have my bangs or my long hair to protect me. Kaiden would be able to clearly see my eyes and catch me staring if he looked my way. So, I was quick with it. A little glance wouldn't hurt let alone make anyone feel uncomfortable.

I caught sight of his face. His side profile was lovely. He was like a model— perfect and outstanding. His cheekbones were nice. They were sharp, but soft. I couldn't describe it, but all I knew was that it was beautiful.

I remembered what Auntie Mary looked like and realized Kaiden had grown up to look exactly like her. Of course, the male version.

"You should fix your staring problem." Kaiden said monotonously. He paused for a second and I was preparing myself to get insulted— or worse— hit. "You look at me as if I'm someone you know."


"When I first met you in his exact spot, you knew me. I knew it not just because you said my name, but that look in your eyes. I don't know who you think I am, but I haven't seen you in my life."

I was shocked by his words. He was being honest from what I could tell (after all, it was hard talking with someone who showed little to no emotion) and his words were genuine. Kaiden had no idea who I was. He had forgotten me and all the times we spent together.

"Something about you is weird." Kaiden continued. "Someone like you shouldn't be so hidden."

"S-someone like me?"

Kaiden nodded. He didn't say anything else and we both lapsed into silence. This time, he was the one to break it.

"You're far better than you think you are."

My face immediately went red at that. "I— thanks? What do you mean? I asked, biting down a smile.

Kaiden was avoiding my eyes. I could tell. I couldn't help but think how cute it looked on him to be embarrassed or nervous. I didn't know what he was feeling— but I was sure he caught himself off guard. Suddenly, his nose quirked up and he immediately looked at me, his eyes searching for something.

"You're bleeding." he said.

I had felt a tingle, but I didn't know that the cut on my cheek re-opened.


Kaiden reached out and brushed a finger across my cheek. I jolted at the sudden contact.

The blood from my cut was smudged on his ringer finger. Kaiden simply stared at it, his eyes lost in thought. I was baffled. Who just reaches out and touches someone's cut like that? Let alone staring at blood!

His eyes were blood and for the first time, I saw that there was a glint and almost a red hue around his pupils. The longer he stared at the blood, the more the red in his eyes were prominent. With each passing moment, I could swear I saw his eyes getting more color. But that wasn't possible. Right? There was no way someone's eye color could change in mere seconds.

What was even more shocking was when he put his finger on his lips and gently licked the blood off.

As if it was nothing.

As if it was a normal occurrence.

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Hey readers! I don't have any new messages so I won't yap as I usually do!

QUESTION: What word do you think would describe Elias's reaction?

Thanks and I hope you're enjoying it so far!
Make sure to vote as I always say 📚💬
BTW: Also sorry this isn't well written. I got tired towards the end..

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