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Elias Artino: Chapter 02

I was once again back in school, the ultimate jail for juveniles. I sat alone at lunch, my table empty and devoid of literally everyone. Most people avoided me because I hardly ever said anything, I didn't express my opinion or hobbies, I didn't try to make friends. In short, I was boring.

The good part is that I got a table all to me. Even though it was the start of the year and we were just a week in, people remembered me from last year and didn't even try connecting with me.

I didn't mind it. In fact, I was used to it.

Being viewed as less wasn't anything new. Hell, even my own mother thought I was a freak. She didn't even care to talk to me anymore, let alone making any of our special Greek foods or going out together. She even began drinking more after my father left. It was the typical, sad story. My life wasn't special and neither was I.

Suddenly, the cafeteria went silent. It was like everyone's talking just seemed to cease mid conversation.

I looked over at the source. A huge group walked into the lunchroom, dressed in decent clothing. They definitely were not from here. They all looked magnificent. Foreigners maybe? I could hear them talking to each other in different languages. Mandarían, Portuguese, Russian, French and maybe German. I wasn't entirely sure. After all, I barely manage to pass Spanish.

Two of them approached me.

"Can we sit here?" a girl my age asked in a heavy French accent. I could still understand what she was saying.

"O-of course." I accepted, giving her a reluctant smile.

"Pourquoi cette table est-elle vide?" the second French person asked. I was guessing they knew each other from before since they seemed close. They also wore matching bracelets with initials.

I stared at her in confusion.

"She said why is the table empty?" the girl confirmed for me.

"O-oh.. It's empty because I don't have any friends." I hesitantly said, embarrassed. Exchange students could probably make more friends than me— and they hardly spoke English! Maybe it wasn't the language that was the problem. It was just me.

"We can be your friends." the girl said, smiling at me. She had soft dimples and it matched her face. Her brown hair was long, roughly hanging down her chest. The girl next to her also had brown hair but it was darker and shoulder length. Her eyes were a hazel kind of color. "I'm Marion. The girl next to me is my best friend and her name is Delphine but I call her Del."

"Nice to meet you. I-I'm Elias."

"Greek?" Marion asked.

I nodded. "H-how did you know?"

"Your face and your name. In France we learn about the Greeks." Marion paused for a second and glanced at Delphine. "She speaks good English but she is too scared to talk. She thinks her accent is bad."

I let out a small laugh. "French accents are nice and easy to understand. I won't judge." I said, internally applauding myself for not stuttering.

After Kaiden had left and my mother turned completely into a different person, it was hard for me to make friends and whenever I tried talking, I would only stutter. I had to go into speech for it and I'm still there. I'm in high school for fucks sake and I can't even talk right.

We waited for Delphine to say something but she didn't. I could tell she was almost as shy as me.

Marion sighed and nudged Delphine. "Once you get to know her, she speak much."

"Y-you mean she speaks a lot?" I asked.

"That." she confirmed and let out an embarrassed chuckle. "My English is still not very good, but I'm working on it."

"Are y-you guys transfer students?"

"Yes. Our parents decided it's best to live in America because the education here is better than our hometown." Marion said, "we will be staying here for the rest of our lives."

"D-do you know w-why there are so many other transfers?" I asked. Was I prodding to much? Was I annoying her with questions?

"I think it's because this school has very good education and all transfers can only come this week or the next."

Marion looked at me and gave me a raise of her brow. "Why do you have winter clothes in the summer?" she asked.

I flushed. "W-well.. it's.. I just don't like wearing revealing clothes." I said, shyly. The truth was that I was insecure of everything on me. It's hard to be confident when you hardly get any compliments or attention from your own mother or literally anyone around you.

I wasn't much to look at— just a thin, short guy. I wasn't like those 6'1 athletes who were extroverted and everything I wanted to be.

Marion nodded and finally sat down in the seat next to me. Delphine sat on my left while Marion was on my right.

Delphine slightly nudged me. "I think you have nothing to be insecure about." she whispered in my ear and gave me a soft smile. I flushed. Marion was right, her English and her accent were very good.

"Thanks.. and I think you don't have to worry about your English." I said, slightly blushing. "I probably wouldn't be able to tell you're French by your voice."

Delphine brightly smiled, and if I was being honest, it was the type of smile that could light up a whole room.

I felt lighter than normal and happier. These were the first friends I've had since Kaiden mysteriously disappeared. If he was still here— I stopped myself before I thought anymore.

I had searched for Kaiden for years and nothing ever came up. I wasn't going to depend on someone I didn't know was alive or not.

Marion and Delphine are my two first friends. M̶i̶n̶u̶s̶ ̶K̶a̶i̶d̶e̶n̶.̶

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Hello readers! Thanks for completing 2 chapters and reading up until here. The next chapter post may be in a couple of days because I have a family member graduation to attend.

Sorry about how short the chapters are! I'll most likely try to extend them ^^

Thanks and I hope you're enjoying it so far!

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