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Elias Artino: Chapter 03

I sat in my room with two new numbers saved in my phone.

Newly saved contact

Newly saved contact.

I was excited. The only numbers I had saved were my mother's and Kaiden's. Unfortunately for me, Kaidens number no longer works for unknown reasons. The last time I saw him was in 7th grade and I was currently in 11th. Sure, it was only 4 years but a lot has changed.

Kaiden had just randomly disappeared off the face of the earth. We used to text, talk and hangout everyday until on a random Monday, he was nowhere to be found.

I had went to his house to check what was up but it was empty. Everyone there, including Kaiden's family was gone. Something about that really crushed me.

Kaiden had been the only one I trusted ever. I would tell him everything from who I liked, who I didn't, what I wanted, my family, my dreams and literally everything. If I was being honest, I had loved him in a way that a boy shouldn't. I even tried to remember his face everyday and treasure the pictures we had taken.

Pitch black hair and eyes, pale face, and quiet personality. Black hair. Black eyes. Pale face. Quiet. Black eyes. Black hair. Quiet. Pale face. Black hair. Black eyes. Pale face. Quiet. Black eyes. Black hair. Quiet. Pale face. Black hair. Black eyes. Pale face. Quiet. Black eyes. Black hair. Quiet. Pale face.

It went on for longer.

The one picture I had of him was tucked away under my desk. It was the last photo we took before he vanished in thin air. In the picture, Kaiden wasn't facing to camera. He was speaking to his mother in Russian, her face in the background. I was putting up a peace sign and ignoring it all. I had learned a bit of Russian from Kaiden. It was mostly just curse words so we could curse people behind their backs.

I giggled at the memory of me and Kaiden screaming curse words in Russian. He was fluent while I couldn't even get pass the basics.

I knew 0.5% of Russian, 10% of Spanish and 100% of English. Technically, that counts as being Trilingual.

But that's beside the point.

Kaiden was everything to me and when he left, I just couldn't find a reason to do anything anymore. Talking to people grew harder since Kaiden was more of an extrovert than me. I thought being friends with him was all I needed.

He was there for me when my mom began drinking and occasionally hitting me. Kaidens mother— who I call Auntie Mary— always invited me over and made space for me.

The more I thought about Kaiden, the more I felt like something was missing. It was almost like something really important slipped from my mind and I was struggling to remember it.

"Elias." a slurred voice said. It was my mother.

Once I didn't respond, she aggressively knocked on my door. "Open the fucking door!" she shouted.

My door rattled and I could see the doorknob trying to open. It was a good thing I locked it. I was thinking ahead, knowing that she would probably come home drunk or with another man.

"Elias I need money!" she screamed, probably throwing a kick at my door. I couldn't see her, but I could guess what she was doing.

If that door wasn't there, I would've had a black eye by now.

"Baby, just open the door! I won't do anything!" she slurred. I kept my mouth shut and put headphones on. The door continued rattling for a couple of minutes until it fully stopped. I heard my mother loudly scream in anger and kick my door once more time. I could feel her storming downstairs, the floor shaking from the sheer force of her steps.

I bit my lip and thought of Kaiden once again. If he was here, I would be at his house right now or we would be texting each other random memes.

Angrily, I threw my phone across the room and cursed my mother.

Life was supposed to be good so why was it so bad?

"Hi Elias!" Marion greeted, sitting down in the seat next to me. It was a new day and 1st period math. I was glad I had someone I knew in my least favorite class.

"Hi Marion." I replied, giving her a soft smile.

"Did you see our texts?" she asked.

I shook my head. "What texts?"

"I said to sit with us at lunch again. I also asked you if you could give me and Delphine a tour of the school. The teachers let us pick who we want to do it for us."

"I don't mind doing it. I-I think it'll be f-fun." I said shyly.

Marion smiled excitedly. "But there are two more people you have to tour. I don't know their names but they are transfers and got put with me and Delphine."

I shrugged. "I'm fine with it because you and Delphine are there."

Suddenly Marion's hands latched onto mine and she looked me in my eye. "You are a kind English." she said in a dramatic voice. I was taken aback and blushed.


"Je pensais que les Américains étaient mauvais." Marion said as if it was clarifying.


"I thought Americans were bad. You are not."

I awkwardly smiled.


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Chapter 03 is finished! I'm not sure if I should add questions on each chapter for you guys to answer.. anyway I hope you enjoyed it so far! More about Kaiden will be revealed the more you read so make sure to stay tuned and to not skip any chapters (unless it's an 18+ chapter hehe)!

Thanks ^^

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