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Elias Artino: Chapter 18

By no means was Kaidens house small. In fact, it was too big.

His house wasn't the same one I saw during my childhood, it looked different and in a different neighborhood. He had a large backyard that was right next to the forest I had reunited with Kaiden in. No wonder he was in the forest. He lived right by it.

The house was large and was probably made for a big family. From what I knew, it was just Kaiden and his mother. I was guessing someone moved in because why would they need such a big house?

It was decorated with a nice front yard, freshly cut grass and animals roaming around. There was two large garages that were led by a pavement road. Bushes with freshly grown flowers and plants rested in the yard. Everything about his house was welcoming. From what I knew, Auntie Mary had a green thumb and was probably the one taking care of all the plants.

Kaiden led me to a big door and opened it by typing a code in. 8508.

Okay you couldn't blame me— I just happened to catch what he typed in.

As soon as he opened the door, I was met with a nice scent. They probably used one of those expensive air diffuser things.

"Take your shoes off next to the door." Kaiden said. I listened and slid them off, leaving my socks on. Walking barefoot in someone else's house seemed a bit rude.

I looked around and was ecstatic. My house was rundown and sometimes I caught insects lurking around. It wasn't welcoming and certainly didn't smell this good. All the time, my house reeked of alcohol and cannabis.

Kaiden snorted at the look on my face. "What? Are you surprised?" he teased me.

"You can't blame me.. my house is nothing like this!" I exclaimed.

"What's it like then?"

"Cold and it reeks of drugs." I said absentmindedly. I caught look of Kaidens face and saw him about to say something. I shouldn't have said that. I thought. "W-where should I put my bag?" I quickly asked before anything came out of his mouth.

"I.. you can just leave it near your shoes." Kaiden said. I nodded and rested my bag next to my shoes. Kaiden gave me a hesitant look. I could tell by his eyes that he was worried, but his face showed no sign of anything.

"Is everything okay at home?" he suddenly asked.

I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I thought.

"Y-yeah everything's fine."

Kaiden stared at me in silence. He pursed his lips and look down at me, his eyes baring into me. He took a step forward, a little closer but enough to make me nervous. "Elias, you stuttered. Are you lying?" he asked. I took in a sharp, shallow breath. If he moved any closer, we would be touching and I'd have to crane my head all the way up just to keep eye contact.

"N-no.. you're just making me nervous."

"But you said I don't make you nervous. Remember?"


"Don't lie, Elias."

I gulped and weakly glared at him. I couldn't find myself to ever truly be angry at Kaiden. "I-I'm not!" I exclaimed, clenching my fists and trying to make myself seem truthful and confident. That was kind of hard when Kaiden was towering over me and so close I could hear his every breath.

"Who do you live with?"

"My mom.."

"Does she do drugs?"

I bit my tongue to stop the truth from spilling out. I didn't have enough courage to look Kaiden in the eye anymore. I swore he could see through me and know every lie I say. "N-no she doesn't." I reluctantly said, trying to mask my nervousness. Why do I have to stutter so fucking much? I'm a freak and he's gonna find out. I thought.

I unconsciously pulled a strand of my hair.

"Is she the one that did that?" Kaiden asked.

"Did w-what?"

"Cut your hair."

My eyes widened. "N-no! She didn't do that!" I answered a bit too quickly.

Kaiden brought a finger up to my hair and stared right into my eyes. He pulled a strand of hair behind my ear and grimaced. Of course, the grimace wasn't directed at me. I wasn't sure exactly what it was directed at, but I could tell Kaiden was unsatisfied. "Does she hurt you?" he asked. "I can smell it on you, Elias. You're nervous and you're scared. What don't you want me to find out?"

I felt my chest beating and my body being unable to move. "S-smell it on me?" I asked, keeping my eyes trained on his. His eyes were soulless and unemotional.. but they were familiar. They were comforting.

"Yeah. You're so readable and your scent is so strong." Kaiden let out a dry chuckle.

"What scent?"

"Right. You wouldn't understand." he sighed and finally backed away, letting me relax. "Don't worry about it, Elias."


I heard someone walking downstairs. It sounded more like running.

"Kai, welcome home!"

The voice was familiar. It had a slight Russian accent and was soft and comforting. It was Auntie Mary. I turned around to see her in casual work clothes with her hair put up in a messy bun. She looked the same, remaining forever young. Kaiden was her copy. Black hair, blank face and pale skin. I noticed that her nails were painted red and she held a wine cup in her hand. At least it looked like wine but had an odd consistency..

Did she remember me or did she also forget? Does she even remember what I look like? Does she remember how much she helped me? Thoughts were running through my head.

"Who is this?" Mary asked, craning her head at me.

"Elias." Kaiden said.

Auntie Mary's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Elias Artino..?"

"Y-yeah?" I said, unconsciously leaning towards Kaiden out of nervousness.

"You.. you shouldn't be here." Auntie Mary said.


"Get out of my house!"

I was shocked.

What was going on?!

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Sorry again for missing multiple upload days! I have Summer activities which gets in the way of the times that I usually write chapters and stuff. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and more will be coming out soon! I do wonder why Mary didn't want Elias in her house.. 🏠

QUESTION: Why do you think Auntie Mary doesn't want Elias in her house?
P.S: this is a hard one! I'd like to see your guesses :)

Make sure to vote! 🗳️

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