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Elias Artino: Chapter 13

I stared at Kaiden in shock.

He simply stared back, pulling the finger covered in blood out. Nothing remained on it anymore— not even a splotch of blood. Just his pale, long, finger. The red highlighting his pupils began fading away and he let out a deep sigh.

"Y-you.. w-what—" I tripped over my words. "Why would you do that?"

I was shocked. How could someone lick up my blood and act as if it was nothing? He didn't look bothered in the slightest and didn't show a hint of emotion.

"I don't know myself. Usually i'm better at controlling myself." Kaiden said as if it clarified anything.

"Huh?" I asked cluelessly.

"Your blood," Kaiden started. He leaned into me and once again, took his finger and brushed it across my cheek. The proximity had me holding in my breath and my heart beating. I didn't move. I simply let him do whatever while staying still and just waiting. Kaiden softly smiled, but it showed no warmth. "Is way too good." he finished.

He didn't pull away. Instead, he stroked his finger down my cut and I could feel the sting with each movement. I could feel as more blood escaped from the cut and trailed down my cheek. I could also feel his finger and smell Kaiden's natural, soft scent. How close we were didn't even seem to bother him. His eyes were simply trained on my cheek and his face didn't even slightly twitch.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting more."

I watched him pull away with my heart beating in my chest and my face getting warmer and redder by the second. I couldn't even read him. Kaiden showed no emotion whatsoever.

"Elias is your name, right?"

I nodded. "Y-yeah.."

"Why'd you cut your hair?"

Okay, so we're switching topics. I thought, confused.

"I-I didn't." I said. I wasn't willing to say anything more than that. It's not like I would tell him "oh my mom cut all my hair off and beat me into next week." I'd just sound totally off.

"Someone cut it for you?"


"You look like you didn't want it cut."

"I didn't." I confirmed for him, avoiding his eyes. I wasn't comfortable talking about his, but Kaiden just kept on prodding.

"Did that kid from Science do something to do?" Kaiden asked and I swore I could hear death in his voice. I didn't even know that was possible. I acted quickly so he wouldn't get angry at someone who didn't do anything.

"N-no! It wasn't Brian.."

"Then who was it?"

I frowned. "Why do you want to know so badly?"

"So I can hurt them?" Kaiden said nonchalantly.

"Are you serious?"

"Why the fuck wouldn't I be?"

"W-well I mean.. w-why would you care?" I found myself asking. I knew what I wanted him to say, but I didn't know if he was going to say it. I just wanted to know if someone in my life actually cared about me and was willing to go far enough to like me. Not as a toy for bullying, but as a friend.

"As repayment. You gave me some of your blood so I'll do something beneficial for you."

That was not the answer I was expecting, but it was better than nothing.

"A-are you being serious right now? Is this a j-joke?" I had already gotten pranked by James and Kuro about that claim thing, I wasn't gonna get pranked again.

"I'm serious. What's so hard to believe?"

I let out a dry laugh.

"Everything. Everything's hard to believe right now."

Kaiden hummed and stopped talking after that. He went into one of his silences again.

I waited in the plaza infront of the school for my friends. A couple of minutes have already passed by and they still weren't here. I checked my phone for the time to see if I was going crazy.

7:58 A.M.

I definitely wasn't.

I caught someone looking at me and quickly diverted my eyes from them. I felt like people were staring a lot more today. Usually I blended into crowds and wasn't noticeable, but people were surely noticing me a lot today. Was my hair ugly? Was there something on my face? Did I have a hole in my pants?

I tried to face down more so I wouldn't get any looks and looked around for Marion or Delphine. I easily spotted them.

I quickly and quietly walked over to them, only for them to completely not notice me.

"Marion?" I called out.

She turned around and gave me an odd look. She squinted her eyes at me and suddenly gasped. "E-Elias?!" she shrieked.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered, backing away from her. Why was she acting as if I was a stranger?

"Tu mens."


"You lie. You're not Elias."

Was this some kind of inside joke or something? Delphine stood next to Marion and was looking at me as shocked as I was. "B-but I am Elias."

Marion's fingers pinched my uninjured cheek and her eyes looked me up and down. "You.. you are my Elias?" she asked and referred to me as if I was her beloved little brother.


"Oh my fucking—"

That was the first time I had ever heard innocent Marion curse.

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Thanks for reading chapter 13! I can't believe I have made it this far into the story! The upcoming chapters
are gonna be about Kaiden and Elias and their relationship.

I posted some chapters of 'Savored Taste' on Quotev. Make sure to check out my account on there and vote for my story on here! Thanks and I hope you're enjoying it so far ^^

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