Chapter- 1

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The moon is pretty, really pretty.....      

That is why I'm here, standing on my terrace, admiring its beauty, instead of doing my homework. I mean, its a full moon night. Who's gonna waste it on math? Definitely not me.

As I'm staring into the sky, looking at the ethereal orb of light, I notice that the night is so quiet. No sounds, nothing. I love it. But... it's kinda eerie. I love the peace these quiet nights fill me with, but there's something else today.... something sure is weird.

I devote another fifteen minutes to my moon-gazing and then decide to do the homework for the sake of doing it. I don't want that brat Dong-min to embarrass me in front of the whole class. I'm not exactly great at studies, but I definitely don't suck at it. So, I return to my desk, and open the books I don't want to even look at. Algebra is the biggest enemy of a high school student. I don't make the rules.

I try to focus, but as soon as I pick up my pen, I start yawning. What the hell. How am I supposed to do this?? I don't give up and make a brave attempt at solving another question, but I'm distracted as a hear a sound in the distance.

A sound in the eerily quiet night.

I'm not afraid of the dark, but I suddenly get goosebumps as I turn around in my chair to check for the source of sound. I can't see anything that would've caused it. So, I return to the question, which is getting extremely frustrating now. And then, I hear the sound again.

The unmistakable whoosh of a coat.

This time, I get up from my chair, turn on all the lights and grab a bat. Whoever decided to break into this house is definitely very unfortunate, cause this might be a very painful moment of his life. I open my door and hide behind it. A tall figure emerges from the door, and I hit him right on his head.

"Ow. What did you do that for?" he says. I hit him pretty hard, but he doesn't really show signs of pain. His tone is neutral. As if the pain was more emotional rather than physical.

"Who are you? And how did you get inside this house??" I ask him, with the bat still in my hands.

"Are you Kim Moon-Young, 15, daughter of Kim Woo Bin and Kim Ji-Eun? You're a freshman in Busan National Maritime school. You have a brother named Do-yun, who's two years younger. Am I right?" he asks, looking at a piece of paper.

"You didn't answer my question. Who are you?" I ask. I don't know what he's up to, but it makes me a little afraid that he knows so much about me. Is he a stalker?

"I'll tell you everything. Just answer me first. Was what I said right now really true? Are you Moon-Young?" he asks, now directly looking at my eyes.

He's pretty, that one.

"Yes I am Moon-young. Now tell me, how the hell do you know so much about me?

"Great" he says and starts taking out something from bag.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? I'll hit you again if you don't stop right now." I ask holding the bat in front of me.

"It won't cause any pain to me anyway. Wear this." he says, throwing me a black bundle.

"I thought you were going to tell me who you were and what you want from me."

"I will, after you wear that, I promise."

Yeah, like I will. There's no way I' wearing something a stranger has given me after breaking into my house. Nonetheless, I put it on my bed an look at it.

 Nonetheless, I put it on my bed an look at it

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Ok, nevermind. I'm wearing it.

He leaves the room and I start changing. I don't know why I'm doing this. I should probably wake up my parents and call the police or something, but I kind of trust this person. A person whose even name  I don't know.

I open the door. He looks at me.

Then I ask, "Who are you?"

"I'm Lee Eun-woo. A grim reaper"

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