Chapter 2

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"Leo! You've been home for what?! 5 minutes! And you've already burned the kitchen I took an entire year to remodel!"

"Oh big deal, Aries!" The orange haired girl shouted back sarcastically.

"It is a big deal!" Aries scolded her. "We have a new roommate and now you're going to scare her away like you did with Lyra!"

"Well Lyra was a bitch!"
  Cancer, who had been listening to the conversation quietly with the others, decided to jump in. "Excuse me. You must be Leo, I'm Cancer. And who's Lyra?"

"Oh, hi Cancer." Leo said, finally noticing the new girl. "I would tell you my name, but it seems you already know it. And to answer your question, Lyra is our former roommate and an absolute bitch. If you want to know more about the shit she did, you're welcome to ask me. I'll gladly tell you if- Ah!" She was suddenly interrupted with a slap on the back of her head.

"Enough, Leo. Now go pick up some take out since you burned tonight's food."

"Yes ma'am..." She answered obediently as she held the back of her head.

"Cancer, go with her. It'll be nice for you to visit town."
  As the two girls left, Aries sigh.
  Leo was definitely a handful. But even with her gone, she still had to play babysitter with the rest.

"Who wants to play poker?" She suggested as a last resort to have some peace.
  Everyone raised their hand in agreement.
  So they sat at the table.
  But quiet could only last so long.
  It was immediately over when Capricorn and Saggitarius started fighting.
  So this is how it happened. Everyone had folded except for those two. They continued to raise until Saggitarius thought Capricorn had such a good hand that he ended folding.
  But when Capricorn revealed his cards, turns out, he only had a pair of three, which made Saggitarius mad because he had a three of kind, but still got deceived by his bluff.
  So Saggi, being the sore loser that he was, flipped the table and started cursing at a perfectly calm Capricorn, which made him madder.
  And Aries had enough.

"Saggitarius!!! Go outside and calm the fuck down!!!"
  She took a deep breath and turned to Scorpio, only this time, with a much calmer tone. "Scorpio, I'm leaving you in charge of these unbearable immature idiots while I go have a mental breakdown in my bedroom."
  And she left, completely exhausted.



  Leo was staring at Cancer. She was definitely curious about the newest person to join them.
  She observed her. Cancer's brown hair were perfectly styled with a curling iron. Her makeup was so smooth, one would think that was her actual skin.
  She then took a look at her clothes and was immediately swayed by her clothes. "Cancer! Are those Jimmy Choos! I saw those in Vogue and I immediately fell in love with them!"

"Um...yeah" She said awkwardly. "I have these, but I'm cut off right now. That's why I left home."

"It's alright. Practically everyone here is a runaway. So, where'd you want to eat?" Leo asked. "We have Chinese food, although Panda Express kind of sucks, or we can go with something everyone loves, McDonald's!"

"Um-" Cancer tried to answer, but was quickly interrupted.

"Too slow! We're getting McDonald's!"
  Although she found Leo's behavior a bit rude, she also admired the girls confidence an boldness.
  After ordering one of everything, much to the employees displeasure, the managed to bring everything back.


  When Leo opened the door, Saggitarius was the first to run towards them.

"Leo! You got my nuggets!" He shouted and immediately grabbed the box.

"Hey Cancer." Libra greeted. "I hope Leo didn't give you too much trouble. Apart from that, did you enjoy visiting town."
  Just as she was about to answer, Leo jumped in and responded for her. "I showed her the most important place she needs to know: McDonald's!" She said as she wrapped her arms around her.

"Don't touch me." Cancer told her while pushing her arm off.
  Leo simply apologized and left to eat with the others.
  Libra stayed behind with her. "I'm glad you're settling well here. So, shall we eat?"
  Cancer nodded.

"I want to eat in front of the TV!" Gemini suddenly shouted.

"Just go get Aries first." Scorpio simply told him in a strict tone.

"Where's Aries?" Cancer asked her friend's brother.
"She got tired of these idiot bastards." He pointed at Saggitarius and Capricorn. "And left to find some peace and quiet."

"Welcome to our home. Where you either act like an old man or a child who never grew up." Libra added teasingly.

"Are you the old man or a child?"

"I'm an exception." She answered with a smirk.

"I wanna watch Star Wars!" Taurus shouted.

"Shut up you nerd!" Aquarius screamed back and grabbed the remote from his hands. "We're watching The Maze Runner!"

"I don't want to watch that! You know the grievers scare me." He whined.

"Sucks to be you then." She said, not giving a single care at what he said as she started the first movie.

  Taurus turned to Gemini for help, but he was too busy worshipping his girlfriend.

  He then took his food and went to settle in the kitchen with the others leaving the lovebirds by themselves.

"Movie too scary?" Leo teased him.

"Shut up, Leo."
  Cancer then turned to Libra. "Are dinners always this chaotic?"
  And Libra answered with a simple nod.

A Peaceful Living Hell ~ A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now