Chapter 18

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  She was walking, with crutches of course. Her legs were moving and advancing in small steps. Though it was clear she was going to need at least a few more weeks to return to normal, the fact remained that she was walking.

  After the party, she had made it her mission to persevere as hard as she could so she and her friends could enjoy themselves like they used to.

  This whole journey had been a whirlwind of challenges. Challenges she had overcome with the support she got from her close ones. She loved them dearly and was grateful for their presence.

  Now all she needed to do on her side was to train. Left foot first. Then right foot. She repeated the sequence over and over again. Her balance was still shaky, but everyday, her posture got sturdier. Thanks to her determination, she had progressed much faster than expected.

  After an hour of her daily therapy, Saggitarius and Gemini had came to pick her up. They were taking her to a local restaurant to cheer her up, which she appreciated very much. It had became a tradition. Every week, her boyfriend would invite a few of their friends to eat out, in a way to motivate her.

  They arrived at the diner quite quickly and upon seeing Aquarius' crutches, they were quick to seat her.

"Look at you!" Saggitarius exclaimed proudly. "You are progressing at an absurb rate!"

"Of course she is!" Gemini answered for her. "She's Aquarius after all. There is nothing she can't do."

  She laughed at her boyfriend's comment. He had always believed in her no matter the situation.

"It seems you have returned to clingy boyfriend mode." The third-wheel snickered.

  With his girlfriend in the hospital, Gemini had gotten more serious as well as more responsible for the last few months. At first, he was worried by the bill and after that, it was just Aquarius' state in general.

  He had yet to tell her about Cancer's help. He never had the opportunity to bring it up so in the end, he ended up sweeping the entire situation under the carpet.

  The waitress arrived and took their order.

  When he saw her face, Saggitarius couldn't help but stare at her. There was something familiar about her face. And that's when it hit him.

"Cassi?!" He called out loud. He recognized her from pictures he saw.

"Who are you?" She asked, not aware of the situation.

"You're that waitress who stood me up!" He confronted her.

"Wait...Saggitarius?" She said unsurely


"What do you mean I stood you up! You're the one who never showed up!" She accused him.

"We agreed to meet up at 2:45! And I waited for like an hour and not once did you call!"

"2:45...?" She repeated. "We said 6:30!" She then pulled out her phone and showed him their conversation.

"Oh shit..." He muttered under his breath. He let out an awkward chuckle. "That one's on me."

"Why didn't you answer me when I called you?" Cassi questioned him.

"I kind of blocked you..." He explained, avoiding her glaze.

  Saggitarius took out his phone and unblocked before looking up. "I'll make up for my mistake. Let's go grab coffee tomorrow. On me."

"Are you asking me out?" She teased him with a smile.

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