Chapter 11

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  Today was the day Saggitarius' twin siblings, Aquila and Jupiter were arriving.

  He was quite thrilled and had went out of his way to clean up the house and himself, something that didn't happened often.

  They were particularly shocked to find out that Saggitarius practically raised them instead of his parents.   They didn't talk about their past lives often so it was a huge news for them to know that he had a mature side to him. Afterall, he had always been reckless and impulsive so everyone was excited to see him in a new light.

  Only she, Aries and Saggitarius were in the living room to welcome them.

  Aries wanted to make sure everything was alright, it was obvious she didn't trust them. One could only assume they were similar to their brother.

  And Leo... Well, she had nothing better to do and plus, she was curious.

  The others didn't bother showing up.  They had better things to do.
  Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces were busy at work.
  Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo and Libra had left for a double date this morning.

  And Cancer. She had no idea where she was.

  After hours of waiting, the doorbell finally rung.

  Saggitarius rushed to open the door reveling two nearly identical boy and girl.

"Aquila!" He exclaimed. "You're actually smiling! When I left, you were still a moody teenager." He teased her.

"I still am." She answered dropping a smile. "This." She said pointing at her face. "Is simply so that I don't look like a stone cold bitch."

  Saggitarius let out an awkward chuckle. It was clear he was terrified of her.

  He then turned to Jupiter, with whom he spoke on the phone. At his surprise, Jupiter had already disappeared.

"Where did that twerp go?!" He shouted.

  He looked into the kitchen and saw his younger brother microwaving a frozen burrito.

  He gave him a long glare.

  Jupiter started feeling chills on his back and slowly turned and saw his brother throwing daggers with his eyes.

"I-i g-got h-hungry." He said stuttering in fear.

"Com'on Sag, let it go." Aries told him trying to avoid unnecessary chaos in the house. "He was hungry."

"That was my burrito!" He exclaimed trying to rip it out of Jupiter's hands as Aries desperately tried to hold him back.

"Grow up!" She scolded him.
"Yeah! Grow up!" Jupiter repeated mockingly.

  Aries glared at him which made him shut up real quick.
"Where's Aquila?" She asked him.

  Jupiter did a shoulder shrug, uncertain of where his twin sister was.

"Aquila!" Saggitarius called out.

"There's no need to shout." She said disinterested. "I simply went to the bathroom." She then saw Jupiter eating his burrito. "Ooh! Burrito!"

  She swiftly swiped her brother's food and took an immense bite.

  Just as her twin brother was going to retort, Saggitarius was tired of his siblings antics.

"You two! On the couch. It seems we need to set some ground rules." He ordered them strictly. "Even at your age..." He mumbled that last part. No one seemed to have heard him and he preferred so.

"Rule number one: This is not a free buffet. You want to eat something, you will tell me. Food is expensive." He first started.
  He proceeded by giving them more reasonable rules like keeping the house the same than when they first arrived.
  Leo, who was watching the scene closely, had to admit it felt fresh seeing Saggitarius being so mature.
  It made her feel bad for pushing him off. She had dismissed it as him being impulsive and it meant nothing, but right now, he didn't seem impulsive.

  Right now, he was an older brother scolding his younger siblings for being wrong.
  As Saggitarius was speaking, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo and Libra returned from their double date.

  Gemini was having a blast teasing Saggitarius.

"Look at you!" He exclaimed. "You look like my dad each time he scolded me."

"He is my dad!" Jupiter joked before walking to Libra who was taking off her coat.

"Hey, girl." He said, flirting with her. "Wanna go on a date?" And did a wink.
  This triggered Virgo who was standing right next to her. "I'm right here you little brat!"

"Don't worry, I don't mind third wheels." Jupiter shrugged off Virgo's remark.
  Virgo, being the quick tempered person that he was, nearly grabbed him by the collar before being stopped by Saggitarius who gave him a look that said: "Don't touch my brother"
  Realizing it was useless to go further, he simply grabbed his girlfriend's hand and took her upstairs.
  Saggitarius then turned to his brother. "Remember I'm the one who sends money back to you and Aquila every month. Don't cause trouble with my friends or else I will gladly take away your allowance." He threatened him.
  Terrified, Jupiter decided to leave his brother and his friends alone and went into the guest room prepared for him.
  Saggitarius was exhausted. He decided to sit in the living room in order to relax.

  Unfortunately for him, he didn't realized Leo was sitting there.
  Things weren't as bad as when Leo was still angry at him, but that didn't mean things weren't awkward.
  He decided to stay quiet, in fear she would hit him again.
  But Leo didn't like that. She felt like the silence was making it worst.

"I've been wondering." She started catching his attention. "You act so differently when you're with them compared to when you're with us." She stated.

"I guess I am." He simply answered.

  But Leo was still serious, so she decided to push further. "Why is that?"

"All my life, I was responsible for them, and now, I guess I'm free from this suffocating responsibility and now I make the most of it."

"I'm sorry." Leo apologized. "I thought I knew you and I've been justifying slapping you because you were impulsive and irresponsible, but it was the opposite."

"Nah, it's alright." He told her. "I've moved on. If you don't want to date me, I can't just force you."
  And it was at that moment that Leo realized her mistake.

  She pushed this amazing guy away and now she regrets it.
  He did a simple mistake, and she decided to use his one error to push him away and she regretted it. A lot.

A Peaceful Living Hell ~ A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now