Chapter 12

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"Virgo!" Aries called him out from the kitchen. "I need to talk to you."
  He let out a small groan and got up to see what she wanted.
  He joined her in the kitchen and saw her sitting at a table, glasses on her nose, as she looked through a bunch of papers.

"What?" He asked unpleased that he was bothered.

"I've been going through the bills." She started, her eyes not leaving her work. "And I just realized you don't contribute much."

"You told me it wasn't necessary." He pointed out.
"Yes. But that's when I thought you would help with chores. But you don't." She argued. "At this point, we're simply letting you stay here because I like..." She interrupted herself realizing what she was about to say. "Because Capricorn cares about you." She restarted.

"You like Capricorn, everyone knows that." He remarked in a tone that annoyed Aries.

"It's this habit of yours that makes everyone hate you!" She shouted. She had been attempting to contain herself, but even that task was a challenge when it came to Virgo. "You are unable to read the fucking room and just have to point out things that do not need to be pointed out!"

"I simply told the truth." He raised his hands in the air, feigning innocence.

"You are unbelievable! What does Libra sees in a jerk like you?!"

"What's going here?" Scorpio asked, poking his head where it didn't belong. "I heard Aries shouting."

"I." She said dryly before demonstrating Virgo by the finger. "Am simply teaching this asshole to have a bit of respect."

"I do have respect." Virgo countered her. "Just not for you guys."

"Excuse me?" Aries and Scorpio both shouted in synch.
  They were very tempted to just grab him by the collar and yank him outside. Of course, they couldn't. Even they weren't cruel enough to do so.
  Virgo glared at them before explaining his reasoning. "Trust must be earned, and as far as I'm concerned, you have never given me a reason to trust you guys."

"We are very trustworthy!" Scorpio declared in disbelief at this guy's comment.

"Really?" Virgo asked sarcastically. "Then I guess, Aries doesn't keep me around for the simple reason that it makes Cap happy and you didn't try to beat me up a few weeks ago."

"Admit it." He continued. "If Capricorn and Libra didn't care about me, you wouldn't give a shit ass about me."

"We might not be trustworthy, and yes, if we didn't care about them, we wouldn't give a shitass about you. But at least we aren't selfish and arrogant." He defended himself.   Scorpio was pissed. He couldn't believe how rude Virgo was being. "At least we're not cold to everyone around us just because we can. So, be grateful we gave you a fucking roof."

"Be honest." He said giving Scorpio a frigid look. "No one is nice so someone, a stranger at that, for free. You want something and I know it. I swear i will find out."
  He stormed out leaving Scorpio and Aries alone in the kitchen.
  Aries was exhausted. As if she wasn't already tired from doing their taxes, she had to deal with a twenty-one years old with the mental capacity of a teenage guy going through puberty. Immature and unable of compassion.
  How did a simple question scale to such an intense argument.

"You alright?" Scorpio asked her, noticing the fatigue on her face.

"All I did was ask him to contribute. And somehow, he twisted my words into making himself the victim." She confided in him. She buried her face in her palms before mumbling:

"I'll talk to Libra." He suggested. "Maybe she'll knock some senses into him."


"Libra?" He called his sister's name out as he knocked on the door to her room.
  She opened the door and told him to get in.

"Let me guess, Virgo already told you what happened." He questioned her and which she replie with a nod.

"I don't like having my brother and my boyfriend putting me in the middle of their fights." She explained. "But I think it's better if I mediate this time. So what happened?"

"I thought Virgo already told you?" He remarked, perplexed.

"Yes. But I'd rather hear your side. It's the least I can do."
  So he told her what happened word by word. From the time he intervened to the moment Virgo stormed out.

"And he said something about us wanting something from him."

  She let out a long sighed. "It's worst then I thought. I think I need to sign him up for therapy."

"What?!" He exclaimed, confused, not understanding what she meant by that.

"Virgo was..."
"Abused?" He guessed.

"Molested." She told him, barely able to say the words as it made her sick. "So he thinks we want something from him and he won't stop until he find out what. I know it shouldn't excuse his behavior, but trust me, it's less worst than it was before.

"Oh..." He said as he realized what she meant. "Are you sure you should be... telling me this?" He asked, clearly uncomfortable.

"Virgo already knows. He was planning to tell you since you're my brother, but he backed out at the end and told me to do it."

"I should apologize to him."
  He got out of her room and went over to Virgo's room and knocked.
  No answer.
  He opened the door and saw Virgo sitting on the floor.

"You know." Virgo looked at him, cutting straight to the point.
  Scorpio nodded. "I wanted to apologize."

"It's alright. I feel like I should also give you an apology. For being a jerk and everything." He told him, staring blankly at the wall.

"You don't need to talk to me. I'll even leave you alone." He suggested.

"Actually, I don't mind." Virgo said, surprising him. "You're honest, and it's a nice change."

"So...who?" Scorpio asked, trying not to be too brusque.

"My aunt."
  This was the start of an unlikely friendship between a guy and his sister's boyfriend.
  One was brutally honest whereas the other couldn't trust. They were so different yet they were friends.
This made Libra happy seeing them getting along. Although sometimes she felt as if she was the third wheel sometimes.

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