Chapter 8

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  After the whole fiasco that just came down, Scorpio was exhausted.

  His sister was dating a good for nothing bastard, Saggitarius just got slapped on the face for making a move too quick...

  All he wanted was some peace and quiet, but it didn't seem he was going to get any as he walked outside. Virgo was on the porch staring at the sky.

  Hearing Scorpio's footsteps, he turned around. "Hey."

"Hey." Scorpio awkwardly answered. "So...You're dating my sister?"

"Yeah. You mad?" Virgo asked him with a worried look. The man in front of him was much taller and bigger than him. In one swing, he could easily overpower him.

"Of course." Scorpio told him. "You're not exactly the most friendly guy. And you always have this grumpy look on your face. It'd be hard not to worry."

"I guess."
  They both stood in the silence, not knowing what else to do. They've never had a conversation alone, and it definitely felt weird.

"I truly love Libra, and I would never hurt her." Virgo swore to Scorpio.

"I know. After that whole scene of yours, I can tell you're sincere."

"Really? Well we did get into a fight earlier. I might have lost my temper-"

"You did what?!" Scorpio suddenly interrupted and grabbed him by the collar.

"Relax! We made up and it's all good!"
"You made out with my sister!"

"I said made UP! Emphasis on UP!" He shouted defensively. "Are you deaf or something?!"

  Scorpio simply scoffed and walked back inside.

  He and Virgo had never gotten along. When they had first met, when Capricorn had brought Virgo in, they had gotten into a fight over something  he couldn't even remember at this point. But that had really messed their relationship and they never really had a reason to fix it.

  They simply ignored each other and on the occasion they did talk to each other, they just acted like jerks.

  As he walked into the living room, he saw Cancer sitting on the couch alone.

"Hey." She waved at him.

  Scorpio stayed quiet. They have never talked with each other and he didn't know much about her.

  Cancer seemed to have realized his confusion and decided to speak to him first. "You were speaking with Virgo? You don't seem very alright."

"Of course I'm not." He told her. "I just found out my sister is dating a guy I can't stand!"

"Are you and Virgo not on good terms?" She asked him.

"Not really. He's always cold and detached."

"So unfriendly?"

  Scorpio nodded.

"You're not friendly either." She remarked.

"Yeah. But at least I make an effort to get along with others. He just doesn't. He acts like he's better than everyone ever since he's gotten here and it just gets on my nerve." He ranted to her.

"According to Libra, he has a lot of issues. I don't know specifically, but that's what she told me."

"Wait?! You knew about their relationship?!" He exclaimed perplexed.

"Yes? She told me when they first started dating. Which was like... 3 months ago I think?"

  Scorpio was shocked. Who would've known they had been dating for so long.

"You should go to bed." Cancer told him. "You have eye bags and your skin is looking awful." She got up and left him alone standing in the living room.

  Scorpio touched his skin. It was true. It felt dry and flaky.


  Saggitarius sat in his room with a bottle of whiskey. All he wanted to do was cry. He truly loved Leo, but she rejected him.

"Saggi? You in there?" Gemini's voice said behind the door.

  He got up and went up to open the door for his friend.

"You look... awful." Gemini told him.

  Not in the mood, Saggitarius was very tempted to slam the door to his face.

"Just kidding!" His friend shouted trying to stop the door from closing.

"Put down the bottle and sober up!" He ordered him. "Stop being sad! You have to admit your timing was awful!"

"You're not making me feel better." Saggitarius groaned. "If you have nothing else to say, leave. Stop ruining life for us singles."

"I'm not single and in a happy relationship because I know what timing is. I don't ask a girl out five minutes right after she gets rejected by another guy."

"Fine, imagine you're right, which you're not. How do I make her fall for me after she moves on?" He asked desperately.

"You don't, Saggi. If a girl says no, don't push her. If she ends up loving you back, she'll drop some signs, or better yet, ask you out." Gemini advised him. "That's what Aqua did."

"Stop making me feel single!"

  Gemini laughed. His friend might look miserable, but he couldn't help it.

"Let's find you a date. Give me your phone." He suggested.

  Saggitarius obediently did as he was told and handed him his phone.

  Gemini went on his social media and started searching through the girls.

  After hours of scrolling through potential dates profil, Saggitarius finally found a girl he liked.

  Her name was Cassi. There wasn't anything special about her, she just looked like a nice girl.

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