Chapter 4

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"Hey! I'm leaving y'all. Have a job interview." Taurus announced to his friends.

"Really? What for?" Pisces asked.

"It's for a cashier at Walmart. Honestly, I don't know why people do interviews for scanning things."

"Well, good luck."
  Taurus left and made his way to the store.

  When he arrived, he found an employee and asked them for directions. They pointed to the back of the store where the manager was.

"Hello, sir. We spoke on the phone earlier. I'm Taurus." He greeted the man and pulled his hand out for a handshake.

  Out of courtesy, the man shook his hand. "I'm Mr. Matthews. I must say, you have an interesting name."

"My parents had quite unusual taste." He said with a quiet chuckle.

"So take a seat and we shall start this interview." The man told him pulling out a chair for him to sit.

"So first, question, why do you want this job?"

  Taurus thought before answering the man. Honestly, he was here for the money, but for multiple moral reasons, being honest at a job interview was not the right decision.

  He took a deep breath and answered. "I am great at customer service and I'm sure I will be a valuable asset to the company with my conflict resolving skills. I also excel at math and could easily work with the calculator on the cash register."

  The manager stared him down. "Be honest son, no one works here because they want to. So how about you stop lying to my face and tell me the truth."

"Fine, but please sir." He begged. "I really need the job and I admit, I'm here because I need money. So, please?"

"Sure." He replied blankly. "You start, well, whenever you can. Tell your ideal schedule to that guy in the corner. We're severely understaffed. I couldn't care less what you do. Just show up and you're paid."

  Easy! Taurus liked it. Maybe he could ask he friends to join him. It'll be fun to get their hands on extra cash.

  He went to the guy in the corner and learned that his name was Jeffrey.  
After filing the paper work, setting his schedule and picking up his uniform(well his name tag), Taurus returned home.

"I'm back!" He exclaimed swinging the door opened. "I got the job and an invitation for anyone who wants to join me!" He announced very enthusiastically. "All you have to do is show up. The manager is like really desperate since the store is understaffed."

  Pisces was the first to agree. "I'll join."

  Scorpio, who had just walked into the room, was second. "Sure, Taurus."

  Taurus turned to the others with a hopeful look, but was quickly turned down by the numerous groans from them.

"So it's just us three?" Pisces asked.

"Seems so." Taurus answered him.

"Looks like I'm third wheeling you guys." Scorpio whined and left to make himself a snack.

  Pisces turned to his friend with a questioned look. "What did he mean by third wheeling?"

  He gave his friend a stare of disbelief. "You are the densest person I have ever met." Taurus mumbled under his breath. Although he thought Pisces had heard him and was pretending to brush it off, he actually didn't hear a thing as he was too distracted with his chaotic mind.



  Libra was currently on a date with some guy she met. When they first talked, he left a quite good first impression on her her and seemed like a nice guy. But right now, it was going horrendously. His breath stunk and all he talked about was how many girls he banged, which she found to be a repulsive subject.
  The guy's name was Caelum. He was fairly good looking and was a smooth talker, especially when he asked her out. But now she realized her mistake for getting swayed with this man's pretty face and his honeyed words.

  She took a look at her phone, and decided to make a run for it.

"Excuse me, I need to use to ladies room." She said grabbing her purse and made her way to the bathroom.

  She took out her phone and called her brother. No answer.

  She needed someone who could drive since she was in the neighboring town, so Aquarius was out of the question. Cancer probably didn't have a license. She decided to call Virgo next.

Libra: Hey Virgo? Can you pick up at 5634 Park's Avenue? Please, I'm on a bad date. I'm begging you.

Virgo: Libra? Are you alright? 5634 Park's Avenue? I'm coming right away.

  He hung up the call and she waited.

  To be honest, she was glad and felt relief that he didn't question further.   

  Minutes past as she sat on the toilet, but to Libra, it felt like hours. She had to admit, multiple angry people had knocked on the door.

  She suddenly heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Libra? It's Virgo."

  She ran towards the door and opened it.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Can you check if my date is still there? He's the guy wearing a grey blazer."

  Virgo poked his head out. "He's still there. I guess we'll have to make a run for it.

  They managed to escape from Caelum's sight and finally got to the car.

  Libra was still a bit shooken by the terrible date while Virgo had a straight look on his face. What Libra didn't, was that his heart was beating, much faster than it should.

  When they got home, Libra immediately left to hide in her room and Virgo did the same.

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