Chapter 10

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  Saggitarius was sitting on a park bench where Cassi had agreed to meet him. According to her profile, she was a bartender and seems to be very closed to her sister.

  She was late. It wasn't like he arrived at the agreed, 2:45 rendez-vous, but still. He didn't think she would make him wait this much.

  He sighed and check his phone. She still hasn't answered the numerous texts he sent. He was starting to feel restless. It was a known fact that Saggitarius' patience was nearly inexistent and was not one to be tested.

  Half and hour passed by and still no sign of her. He eventually abandoned and stood up.

  Just as he did, his phone started ringing. Thinking it was Cassi, he quickly reached for it and answered it in a swift.

"Hello?" He said.

"Saggitarius! It's me! Your brother Jupiter!"

  Saggitarius immediately hung up from the shock.

  Much to his discontentment, the caller's id rang again.

"Would you leave me alone, Jupiter! I have a date!" He exclaimed with an annoyed tone.

"Geez! No need to be so cranky." His brother's voice was heard from the phone. "I was just calling to tell you me and Aquila are visiting you next week."

"What?!" He shouted loudly, attracting the attention of nearby passerby.

"Yeah. Also, how long have you been waiting for this date of yours?"

"First of all. My date has name and her name is Cassi. Second of all." He quickly swallowed his pride before answering. "45 minutes..."

"Just leave at this point!" Jupiter suggested him. "She obviously stood you up."

"I hate that you're right." He unhappily said as he made his way to his car. "Well, I have to leave now. See you next week."

  He drove away after the unfortunate incident. But it was for the better.   Now he had time to welcome his younger siblings. Jupiter and Aquila, 16. They were twins.

  Little did her know, Cassi arrived soon after he left and thought he stood her up. But of course, both will never know the truth of what happened as Saggitarius was quick to block her contacts.



  Aries was busy chasing a fly. It had sneaked from right under her nose when she opened the door and it refused to get out. With a fly swatter in hand, she was currently running across the house in search of the insect.

  The door then opened revealing an upset Saggitarius. And then she heard a buzz.

"Close the door!" Aries shouted as she saw yet another fly go into the house.   Unfortunately, she was too late, and it had already made his way to the kitchen. "Shit!" She exclaimed disappointed.

  Saggitarius, who didn't understand what was going on was confused.

"What's going on?" He asked trying to understand.

"A fly flew inside when you opened the door. They have been going in all day yet never seem to die." Aries explained before shouting at the out of sight flies. "If you're not gonna die, get the fuck out!!!"

  She then remembered what Gemini had told earlier. "Didn't you have a date today?"

"Yes. But she stood me up." He informed her.

"I'm sorry about that."
"Nah, it's alright. By the way, my siblings are coming over to visit next week." He joyfully announced.

"Wait?! Sibling?!" Aries questioned him with a shocked tone. "I didn't know you had sibling?!"

"Yes. Twins." He calmly told, not getting why she was making such a big deal out of it.

"Twins?! How old?!" She frantically asked.

"16. I think."

"Wait... So you're an older brother...?" She said, unable to belive it.

"Yes! Why are you saying so weirdly!" He exclaimed offended by her tone.

"Well... You're not exactly... How do I say it gently?... Mature?"

"Excuse me!" He shouted again. "I'll have you know that I am very mature! I raised those little spawn of Satan myself!"

"I hope they turned out okay." Aries prayed for them. "Especially the fact that they were raised by a crazy brother like you."

"Wait?! Saggitarius is an older brother!" Capricorn's voice was heard. "But he acts like he's three!"

"Very funny, Cap." Saggitarius said sarcastically.

"Am I wrong???" Capricorn snapped back.


"No, he isn't." Aries chimed in, defending him.

"Why do always take his side?!" Saggitarius exclaimed in discontent. "Would it kill you to defend me for once!"

"Yes. it would." She told him bluntly before leaving the room with her fly swatter. It was clear she was still obsessed with it.

  Saggitarius sighed.

  Could this week get any worse?

  He got rejected by the girl he liked.
Then the girl he used as a rebound ditched him.

  And now, his siblings were coming to visit and he looked like a mess.

"Got you!" He heard Aries shout victoriously as she finally managed to kill the fly.

So next chapter, we're going to meet Saggitarius' siblings.
Stay tune!

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