Chapter 6

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  Capricorn was currently in a heated match of Mario Kart against Aries.

  They were always very competitive towards each other and this was no exception.

  Aries was currently getting crushed. She sucked at video games despite always challenging him. She has never won a game and that was a fact. He could humor her and let her win, but they both know she was going to get mad.

"Stop winning!!!" Aries shouted as she aggressively pushed the buttons.

"Don't be a Saggitarius." He said calmly before taking an overwhelming lead.

"Do NOT call me a Saggitarius! It's an insult!"

"Why? Is it an insult?" Saggitarius asked as he walked into the living room. "I think it's a pretty sweet compliment. I'm amazing after all!" He exclaimed and flipped his non-existent hair.

"Yeah, yeah. Believe whatever you want." Capricorn told him, his eyes not leaving the screen.

"You know what! You guys just lost the privilege of my presence!" He shouted back before leaving the room in storm.

"No! No! No!" Aries suddenly exclaimed as she threw the controller on the floor. "How dare you get in first place!"

"Don't break the controller!" Capricorn scolded her. "It's expensive you know!"

"You rigged the game!" She pointed an accusative finger at him. "You dirty dirty cheater!"

"Don't blame me." He said feigning ignorance. "It's not my fault you're a sore loser."

"Just kiss already!" Someone suddenly shouted from the kitchen.

"Shut up Leo!" They both responded in synch.

  Cancer who was with her in the kitchen couldn't help herself from making a remark. "You guys act like a married couple."

"Shut up!" Aries replied angrily although she was actually quite flustered. "And Leo! Aren't you supposed to be ban from the kitchen after your little fiasco!"

"Don't try changing the subject, boss!" Leo teasingly told her.

  And Aries was exhausted. Dealing with them was a pain in the ass. "I'm going out." She told them as asked towards the door. "I can't stand you guys anymore."

"Love you too A!"

  Capricorn gave Leo a "Are you serious?" look and she answered him with a smirk.

  He sigh. Another day of chaotic mess.
Bored, he decided to knock at Virgo's door.

"Hey man. Can I come in?"

  Virgo opened the door. And smiled.
"I asked Libra out!" He excitingly said before adding.  "And she said yes!"

  Capricorn put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm happy for you. And you should try to smile more often. You're always all gloomy and shit."

  Although Virgo felt an irresistible urge to answer back, he decides to drift away from his friend's comment.

"So what brings you here? Come in."

  The white haired guy came in and sat on the bed. "Well, me and Aries were playing Mario Kart and-"

  And he was interrupted. "Let me guess. You won. She lost. She got mad and stormed out." Virgo predicted like a mind reader.

"Y-yes. Same as always. So, you're dating Libra?"

"Yeah. I asked her out and we went to this coffee shop. And we actually started talking a lot. For some reason, I feel like I can tell her anything."

"Look at you, being all touch-feely." Capricorn laughed. "Now I want a girlfriend. He jockingly said it, but he knew deep down he meant it.

"What about Aries?" Virgo asked.

"Nah. She's just a friend." He said denying all relationship with her.

"Really? 'Cause y'all fight like a married couple."

"You know." He said suddenly remembering Cancer's remark. "Cancer told me the same thing earlier."

"Everyone can see it, Cap. Everyone."
Virgo sighed. His friend was too dense for his own good and it didn't help that the girl who likes him had a motto. And that motto was deny, deny, deny.

  Capricorn stared at him. "When did you become an expert in feelings and emotions." He then raised an eyebrow. "Did getting a girlfriend turn you into whatever this is." Be gestures his hand at Virgo's body.

"Kind of... The point is. She likes you and it's painfully obvious, but she denies and you're just like "She's just a friend" or "It's not like that"." He said imitating Cap's voice. "And it's getting annoying."

"I'm leaving." Capricorn said opening the door. "You're making fun of me."

"I'm just telling the truth!"

  He slammed the door and left. He then saw Taurus who was walking down the hallway.

"Hey Taurus! Got a question for you."


"Do you think I have a crush on Aries? Be honest." He asked.


"Forget it!" He said leaving Taurus in confusion.

  Capricorn realized it was hopeless to deny, but how was he supposed to tell the others that he did not like Aries?

  Sure, she was the one who asked him to move in together. And whenever he wanted something, she would always say yes.

  But that wasn't love.

  Was it?

  Was it???

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