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Christmas was odd for the other demons, in Angie's immediate circle of friends. Jordyn's family was half alive, and the ones that weren't were in heaven. He was a bit of a black sheep. He made some poor choices in life, and he probably wouldn't have ended up in hell if, his family cared even a little bit.
They turned a blind eye dispite, his struggles. He died during the opioid crisis in the 2000's. He was quarterback on a college football team, had he not injured himself he probably would have been drafted into the NFL. But, the narcotics took over his life. He was trying to get sober. He was constantly in and out of rehab (until he couldn't afford it. His family didn't care enough to help him) because, at the time he genuinely wanted to do better. Now that he's in hell he doesn't really give much of a shit. The drugs don't really have as many downsides here, they can't kill him at least. The withdrawals sucked and sure maybe, they fucked up ya brain function but, did that really matter when, they're all stuck down here?

Anyways, because he had no family to spend the holidays with he was usually the first one over. Which is surprising cause he's always late to the party.

Mia's family was down here too but, they disowned her for being gay back in the 60s. She actually died in 69 during the stonewall riot, though back then she didn't know she liked women she went in support of some friends and things went down hill FAST.

Andre's family history was rough. He was the oldest of seven almost eight. He was unfortunately brought up during times of slavery. All of his family was separated. His mother was pregnant at the time they were all unfortunately sold, and was beat to death before she could give birth. Simply because she couldn't keep up with all the work that was expected of her due to her pregnancy. It was really a shitty way to live. One of the reasons he started the resistance against overlords. Though right now that resistance is dispanded because, The Radio Demon sent everyone he recruited, for the hills.

Anthony wouldn't be cought dead spending a holiday with his father. Arackniss maybe but, not his dad. As much as Anthony hated to admitted it, he and his father were a lot alike. They had very explosive tempers, and once they believed something there was no convincing either of them otherwise. Anthony felt so shitty having to beat people up for being, the way he was too. But, he couldn't let his father know he was gay. When his mom found out she did everything in her power to keep her son's secret, to protect him. She went as far as divorcing her husband and taking him and Molly away. Arackniss was much too old for her to have a choice, in what he decided to do. His brother regretted his choice for staying with his father. But, the issue with his brother is he was a pussy. He couldn't fight for shit, he needed Anthony around because unlike himself, Anthony could throw a solid punch. Arackniss relied heavily on weapons to do the jobs for him.

Husk didn't really talk about his life much. Mainly because nobody asks, he's not much for story times. Angeldust knows some details of his life but, not a ton. In fact, they don't really know much about eachothers lives. Now, Husk share glimpses of his life if he thought, it could benefit someone, who needed to hear they weren't alone.


Charlie's relationship with Christmas was........... Non-existent.... Especially considering her father was Lucifer motherfucking Morningstar. Its probably why, she was so quick to agree on letting Pentious celebrate it with his friend, or whatever he and Cherri were right now. They've only been on two dates so far. They weren't really serious or anything but, it was quite obvious he liked her. Though, the princess was even more happy when, Vaggie mentioned they should probably go as chaperones because, it was her first time in all 200 years of her life, that she celebrated the holiday. It was Vaggie's first time celebrating the holiday in hell so, she was also pretty excited, though she didn't show it the way Charlie did.

Niffty declared they couldn't show up empty handed and made quick simple dishes to offer the host when it was time to leave. She made Lasagna, potato salad, she even baked ginger bread cookies with Charlie. Who absolutely loved the experience.

"You know I've never had one of these before." Charlie mentioned as she decorated the cookies with the colored icing Vaggie made for them.

Niffty Gasped.

"You have to try one then! Right now! It cannot wait!" She declared.

Charlie picked up the cookie as soon as she was done decorating it. Niffty pushed her into the lobby.

"Everyone! WATCH CHARLIE'S REACTION TO HER FIRST GINGERBREAD MAN!" The small one eyed demon pleaded.

Husk raised an eyebrow. Oh Tony's gonna have a fuckin field day with this bitch. 

It was true. Anthony, was so over the top with food it wasn't funny. If he he's Charlie say 'I've never eaten-" whatever food he's gonna go out of his way, to have her try it.

She bit the cookie head first and her eyes went wide but her pupils narrowed.

"Oh my God!" She gasped.

Gingerbread cookies were her new favorite thing.

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