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The past three days had been a blast for the three best friends, they really had missed getting to see each other and hang out. They were currently sitting around Eliza's living room eating takeout and watching a movie it was about 8:30, or well Nat and Mikey were mainly paying attention to the movie, commenting here and there while Eliza's attention was split between the movie and her phone. Which made the other two shake their heads in amusement.

Nat spoke up, making both of her friends look at her, "I think we should use next week and go someplace warm and sunny with a beach, because who knows how long it will be before we all get breaks at the same time again."

"I love that idea." Mikey agreed.

Eliza grinned, "I am so down for a beach vacation, like you guys know I love London but it's never hot enough for the beach."

Nat looked between Mikey and Eliza, "Okay, so where are we going then?"

"Good question Nat."

Eliza looked at the two on the couch beside her, "Well I have a beach house in Monaco and Venice, we could go to either of those places."

"I feel like Monaco would be warmer than Venice right now so how about Monaco?"

"I agree with Nat plus, Nat and I have never been to Monaco before, but we've been to Venice a few times so that would be nice."

Once everything was agreed on, Eliza nodded, "All right then, "I'll get everything set up and we can leave Saturday night and then have the whole week to hang out and get some much-needed R&R in the sun, plus the parties in Monaco are practically legendary... I've been to a couple the few times I've been to Monaco."

"Sweet," Nat answered.

"I make some calls in the morning, to get things rolling since it's getting late."

They all agreed and continued watching the movie, playing, once it was done they all headed to bed.

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*

The following morning Eliza was up early since she had a lot of things to get together before they could even start packing for Monaco. She made all of the phone calls that she needed to be sure the house would be ready for them on Sunday morning since they were going to leave on Saturday night.

Once she had made all the necessary preparations Eliza got ready for the day. After she got out of the shower and dressed she checked her phone and smiled seeing the typical good morning text that she was beginning to look forward to getting as they started talking more.

lan :)

lan :)
Good morning el

el :)
Good morning lan

lan :)
how are you this morning?

el :)
good I've been quite a busy morning

lan :)
oooh, what have you been doing?

el :)
so last night nat suggested that we
use our last week together for who
knows how long and go someplace
sunny and warm with a beach
so mikey and I agreed and
I have been up getting everything set for us.

lan :)
ahhh okay well that sounds nice
where are you guys thinking about

el :)
monaco, nat and mikey have never been
It was that or venice and they've both been there
a few times and wanted to go somewhere new

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