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Eliza's outfit for dinner.

That night the trio arrived at Pascale’s house at 6:30 as instructed by Charles, Eliza was excited to see the woman again.

Eliza walked through the gate first with Nat and Mikey following her, she approached the door and knocked a couple minutes later the door opened and Charles smiled at the trio, as he let them in but not before getting a hug from Eliza. “Lizzy, glad you said that you guys would come… mum is looking forward to seeing you again and finally meeting your other two best friends.”

Eliza returned the hug, “Thanks Charlie, I was planning to stop by and see your mum while we were here, I’ve missed her and am looking forward to seeing her again as well.”

Charles led teh three into the living room where his brother was, Arthur smiled at the brunette singer that he also viewed as a sister, she may be closer to Charles but she viewed all three Leclerc boys as family. They also called her Lizzy, with the Leclerc family being the only ones she would allow to use that nickname for her.

She hugged the youngest Leclerc brother, “it’s good to see you again Arthur.”

He returned the hug, “You too Lizzy.”

“Now let me introduce you to my friends, Nat, and Mikey this is Arthur, Charlie’s younger brother.” she looked between the three of them, “and Arthur meet, Nat and Mikey, my other two best friends.” 

They greeted each other and then Charlie pulled Eliza into the kitchen while the other three were talking, “Mum look who is here.”

The woman turned her attention to the two of them and a smile broke out on her face, “Lizzy dear, it’s so good to see you.”

Eliza immediately hugged the older woman, “Pascale it’s good to see you as well, it’s been far too long.”

The older woman returned the hug, “You are right about that one my dear, it has been way too long since the last time I saw you.” they pulled back from the hug, “Charles tells me that you brought your other two friends that you’ve spoken so much about along as well.”

Eliza smiled, “Yeah, we are spending the week here, while we all have breaks at the same time, they are currently speaking to Arthur in the living room.”

Pascale smiled at the 23 year old, “well I look forward to getting to meet them, I’m just finishing up with dinner.”

Eliza grinned at her, “Would you like some help finishing up?”

Normally she would have denied it with Eliza being a guest at dinner but the older woman knew how much Eliza enjoyed cooking and that she wouldn’t give up that easily so she smiled, “Sure,” then directed the younger girl what she was doing and what Eliza could do to help then shooed her son out of the kitchen so they could finish.

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