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liked by natmercer, michaelwolf, LandoNorris, CharlesLeclerc, CamillaMorelliBlackwell, and 500,000 others

had such a fun two weeks with the besties but it's back to work again also Monaco photo dump coming soon...

natmercer: literally had the best time I'm going to miss you so much babes
elizamoore: miss you already Nat

michaelwolf: no because that was literally like the best vacation we've ever been on
elizamoore: yes like we need more like that

user6: I forget that Eliza and Charles are really good friends sometimes and then I'm reminded when he will randomly like her posts.

user4: hello... the Lando and Charles like? are my two worlds colliding?
user1: right like that Lando like came out of nowhere
user3: I mean not really he likes most of her posts but no one else has seemed to notice before
user9: pretty sure Lando said in an interview a while back that Eliza was his celebrity crush

CamillaMorelliBlackwell: it was so nice to get to meet you Eliza
elizamoore: yes Cami it was one of the highlights of the week in Monaco getting to know you, we for sure need to meet up the next time your in London
CamillaMorelliBlackwell: oh for sure I will let you know when I know
elizamoore: nice looking forward to it

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*


natty baby:
I miss you already Eliza but
are you in the studio working
on a song about wnb?

mikey mike:
yeah it's already boring around
here without you

eliza baby:
I miss you guys sm already too
and maybe it is Nat

natty baby:
ha I knew you had one
or were working on one
about him already

eliza baby:
you just know me
so well nat

natty baby:
can you give us a peek
at it?

eliza baby:
just a snippet

{insert voice memo start}
God, I'm actually invested
Haven't even met him
Watch this be the wrong thing
God, I'm jumping in the deep end
It's more fun to swim in
Heard the risk is drownin',
but I'm gonna take it
I'm gonna take it
{voice memo end}

mikey mike:
oooooh eliza
sounds like your starting
to like wnb

natty baby:
mikey is right tho
but I know that song
is going to be a bop

eliza baby:
idk guys but there's just
something about him that
draws me in

eliza baby:
like he's funny and sweet
and is always asking about my day
and if that was him that
I met at charlies party
he has really pretty eyes
and I'm such a sucker
for pretty eyes and
he's also attractive
(if that was him)

eliza baby:
but like the more we talk
the more I could see this actually
going somewhere...
after I tell him who I really am anyway
if he doesn't freak out about that anyway

natty baby:
oh my god was I right?
did you actually meet the
love of your life because
he texted the wrong number?

mikey mike:
damn do we got
future predicating nat in here?

eliza baby:
guys let me handle
telling him who I
am first before we start with
that since he could overreact
and not want to talk to me
anymore for not telling him
after he revealed I
was his celebrity crush...

eliza baby:
anyway I've almost finished the
song so I've got to get back to work

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*

this chapter was shorter than the others but that is because I'm thinking that the next one will be the Monaco photo dump and then Eliza telling Lando who she is or that first and then the photos and the chapter 13 will be them figuring out that they did meet in Monaco.

anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and yo we've now got 1.66k read ty guys for that we're close to 2k now (:

also I am introducing the OCS for the other books in this one first just so you guys will know a little bit more about them before I start their books.

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