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Elizamoore posted a new story

Elizamoore posted a new story

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*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*

The trio had arrived at the airport at 9:30 PM Saturday night since their flight was set to take off at 10:45, the perk of having a private jet was that you could take off at whatever time was convenient for you unless something was going on at the airport or with the jet that delayed things.

Well technically the jet belonged to Eliza's father but she used it whenever she flew anywhere to avoid crowded airplanes and hassle she loved interacting with fans but sometimes she just wanted a chance to relax which never happened on public flights as she was normally recognized. So she started using her dad's jet for more relaxing flights.

They were set to land at around 6 AM, which was nice not too late so the airport wouldn't be all that busy and there was less chance of them getting spotted then. They were probably about an hour from landing when Eliza took a photo and posted it to her Instagram story, purposefully not mentioning where they were going as it would be figured out once the three were spotted out and about in Monaco.

Since it was pretty early and she couldn't sleep much on the remainder of the flight Eliza actually beat Lando to the 'good morning' text he usually sent her. Obviously, she didn't get a reply right away as he was still sleeping but she smiled to herself as she hit send.

She hated to admit that her friends were right but she could see herself actually genuinely liking this guy if things kept going the way they were but she wouldn't admit that to them, at this point in time. Nat would just say 'I told you so' while Mikey would probably lecture her a bit seeing as she's still not seen what he looks like.

What no one realized just yet was that was about to change, not that they would know it anyway.

An hour later the jet landed at the Airport in Nice, France where they were going to be boarding a train that would take them to Monaco, which was about a 30-minute ride and then once they were there, rent a car, to get to Eliza's beach house and around the city if they didn't want to walk.

In all it was about 7 AM when the trio arrived at the house they were staying in while on their holiday. They brought their things into the rooms they would be staying in a unpacked. Though ELiza did get distracted slightly by her phone vibrating, making her smile once she checked who had messaged her.

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*

lan :)

el :)
good morning :)

lan :)
hey you beat me to it today but good morning
have you landed yet?
If so how was the flight?

el :)
yeah I was awake on the last bit of the fight and it was like 5 AM so I figured why not
but yes we landed in Nice, at 6 and then caught the train to Monaco,
It was a pretty good flight, slept for the majority of it ngl.

lan :)
have you arrived where you are staying yet
Just out of curiosity

el :)
yeah we've arrived and are unpacking at the moment, I'm def gonna try
and get Nat and Mikey to go to a party with me while we're here
monaco parties are pretty much legendary

lan :)
nice, glad you arrived safely
ooooh for sure, will 100 percent
agree with that, monaco parties just hit different

el :)
thanks and that is so real of you to say
because I agree I've been to a few before
when I've stayed here

el :)
but this trip is going to be a blast

lan :)
You're welcome el
what are you guys doing first?

el :)
Idk probably go out and grab some food

and take them to some of my fav spots
and then probably try and convince them
to go to a party with me tonight if I can find one anyway

lan :)
nice, they need to experience
it for a proper monaco experience
especially since you said they've never been
to monaco before.

el :)
That is exactly what I'm saying lan
and will be what I say to convince them
to come with me tonight
will probably hit some of
my local friends up to see

what's going on party-wise anyway

lan :)
Nice I will also keep an eye out and let you know
What I find, living here and all

el :)
thanks lan, I should probably go
and see what nat and mikey
wanna do about getting some food

lan :)
No problem el, talk to you later

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*

Eliza had finally finished her unpacking after her brief conversation with Lando, when she walked back downstairs she found her two friends already there, "so how about we go out and get some breakfast and then I will take you both to some of my favorite shops and places."

"Sounds good to me Eliza."

"Food sounds good to me as well, let's go."

"Perfect I know the perfect little cafe we can go to for breakfast I go every time I'm here, the owner is this sweet lady, her name is Esther. I make a point to stop in a see her at least once while I'm here."

Nat nodded, with a smile, eliza was so easygoing that she could make friends with anyone, "so what are our plans for later tonight?"

Eliza grinned "Well I'm hoping that I can find us a party to go to because you have to experience a Monaco party to get the full Monaco experience. Especially if you've never been here before which neither of you have, I just need to see what's going on tonight from some of my local friends."

Nat and Mikey shared a look, knowing that they wouldn't win this so they would agree to go to whatever party that Eliza found. "Alright, Eliza just let us know what you find."

The brunette singer grinned triumphantly "Will do Nat." and they then exited the house. "So it's only like a ten-minute walk from here to the cafe if you guys wanna walk since it's so nice out right now."

"Walking is fine Eliza," Mikey said and she nodded and they headed off toward the cafe, it was one of Eliza's favorite places here.

oooop mayhaps a meeting in the next chapter? 😉🤭😏...Wonder who Eliza's local friends are? 😏 guess we'll have to wait and see XD.

anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter :D I love writing them so much... also we have 618 reads on this book so ty guys sm for that. 

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