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The following morning the trio woke up naturally Eliza was the first one up, Nat and Mikey woke up shortly after her and noticed the brunette was smiling at her phone.

Nat gave her a testing look, "Talking to your wrong number boy already?"

Eliza rolled her eyes, playfully, "just replying to his 'good morning' text."

"Damn not even dating and he sends you good morning texts? That is kind of boyfriend material of him though." Nat teased, the girl knew that her friend would end up having feelings for him because she knew her best friend.

"What are we doing today?" Mikey questioned changing the subject, he knew like Nat did how quickly Eliza could catch feelings for someone and didn't want to see his sister in all but blood get hurt again.

"Well, I thought we could do some shopping and oh you guys have got to try the coffee from this shop that just opened two weeks ago. It's literally just chefs kiss so good."

Nat laughed knowing how deep Eliza's coffee addiction ran, "all right then sounds like a plan to me."

Mikey shook his head, at the two, knowing they both were coffee addicts, he was more of a tea person, personally but could drink certain types of coffee, (iced coffee).

The three, headed up to get ready for the day.

Eliza had just finished getting ready when her phone vibrated on her bathroom sink, she picked it up and smiled to herself.

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*


good moring


morning :)

so what are your plans for the day?

well we're going out
and doing some shopping
and going to my new favorite coffee shop
well we might do that first and
then go shopping but yeah

ahhh gotcha, well have
fun on your day out then

thank you, we for sure will
I missed them so much, we
for real are about to make the
absolute best of these next two weeks

I probably should go though
so I don't keep them waiting but
I will talk to you later though

Alright then talk to you later eliza

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*

Eliza was the last one down and the smile on her face was very telling to her two friends at what had taken her so long, but they didn't comment on it and grabbed their stuff and headed outside, Eliza locked the house up and they set off walking down the sidewalk, "how about we stop for coffee and breakfast first and then go shopping?"

Nat nodded, "sounds good to me."

"Me too." Mikey agreed as well and Eliza led them to the coffee shop she was telling them about earlier. They were about halfway there since it was about a ten-minute walk from Eliza's house when the three were stopped by two girls, "oh my god," the dark-haired one said, "we're such big fans."

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