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lan :)

el :)
okay so I have a
bit of a confession
to make

lan :)
okay el what's up?

el :)
I know I should have
told you this earlier but
I didn't want it to change
anything and nat and mikey
said I was just being dramatic
and maybe I was a little
but it's happened before well not exactly
like this but in a similar way

el :)
and honestly it was nice having
someone other than nat, mikey,
charlie and his family, and a few others
which I could probably count on one hand
just talk to me like a normal fucking person
and not be all weird because of
who I am or who my father is

el :)
but I know that if we're going to continue to
talk the way that we are, which I hope is the case
because I honestly really like talking to you
it's honestly become my fav part of the day
but I need to be honest here and I just hope
that me waiting this long to tell you this
won't change anything but
if it does I will understand

lan :)
el just breath alright
I think you've started to
stress us both out a little
I'm sure whatever it is that
you feel like you're coming
clean about here isn't that bad

el :)
it's just after a little
thing that was revealed,
made me overthink things a little
which is why I waited and didn't
say anything about it then,
because I freaked out
I ran right to nat’s room and spilled
every fucking thing to her then and there

el :)
she looked at me like ‘shit’ and I was
like ‘i fucking know’ and I really
just didn't want it to change our dynamic
because I liked the way it was going
and is going but I know that if I don't
do this now and you find out some other way
it would ruin everything and I don't want that
so please don't hate me for not saying anything sooner.

lan :)
as I said I'm sure it's not
that bad but your kind of
making me think you're
like a serial killer or something
with the way you're dragging this

el :)
not a serial killer lan
plus even if I was you could not
waterboard that info out of me
I'd be taking that shit to my grave

el :)
I'm just going to do it before
I've said all this shit for nothing and
chicken out.

el :)I'm just going to do it before I've said all this shit for nothing and chicken out

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