Chapter 45

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Few days later.


"Russo El Massimo isn't the man you think he is. He is not your pride, he is the reason for your fall instead"

I stared dumbly at the message for a while. Who had sent me this message? And what did the person mean by Russo not being the man I think he is.

My brows were arched as I read the message over and over again. Russo is the reason behind my fall? But I had no fall.

I had been living a good life and Russo had been taking care of all parts of the family business. Left to me alone, young and alone at the time of my family's death, I could have lost nearly everything to those conniving bastards who wanted my family's riches so much. Russo was the one who took charge easily, he was sort of my guardian and my protector.

Russo was the family's pride and I was the family so definitely, he was my pride but how could he be the reason behind my fall?

What was this message about?

'Who are you? And what do you mean by this vague message?' I texted the unknown contact and waited for a while but when I got a notification, it wasn't a message from the unknown contact. It was from Russo.

"No panties at work."

I felt my cheeks brighten up with a blush. I glanced at the panties I had pulled out for the day.

"Guess there's no use for you now" I giggled and just then my phone buzzed with another message.

"I am someone who will tell you the truth but only if you are truly interested in the truth. I can't assure you that you will like the truth, though."

The truth? What truth was there for me to find out? And what lies had I been fed with? Was the person on the other side of the phone being honest or was this just another plot to sow misunderstanding between Russo and I?

I sighed softly but this time, I didn't reply the text. I was living a good life without the 'truth' anyways. Even if this good life was a lie, did it really matter?


"Mr. Arlo? Let him in. A pass on all the formalities, I don't have all the time in the world" I dropped the phone and at that exact moment, the door opened and Caramia stepped in.

"Good day, Mr. Massimo" her professional voice was totally in contrast from the three undone buttons and the model walk that seemed to make her tits bounce with each step.

"Here you go, sir" Caramia dropped two files on my table, leaning in just enough to ensure that I saw her tits from her three undone buttons.

What she was seeking to achieve by walking in here like a sex model had been very well achieved.

"Alright" I picked up the files and casually opened it.

"I will be going for an event tomorrow's night" I informed her.

"Oh, what event is that?" She asked with brows etched up.

"It's a charity event and I have to be there" I affirmed to her and saw her ease her face.

Fucking cute.

"Then... Can I go too?" She shot the question and it was my turn for my brows to arch. I remembered clearly that she had never been interested in attending any events or parties.

"Strange. You have never been interested in the events" I pointed out.

"I guess so but I just feel like I could go to this one. It would do well to show up after all, I am part of the family too." She shrugged her shoulders.

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