Chapter 12: Doctor Neha

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Heyy before the chapter starts, let's introduce a new and a very important character in the book, Dr Neha Jaiswal
, played by Aminante_neha ❤️

Aminante_neha, hope you like your character!

The next day, Hira found herself sitting in front of her psychologist and therapist, Ms. Neha Jaiswal. 

The clinic was a haven of tranquility amidst the chaos of her life, with soft lighting, calming colors, and comfortable furniture that invited relaxation.

 Dr. Neha, a lady in her late twenties is with a warm smile and kind eyes, embodied the comforting vibe of her clinic.

As Hira settled into the plush armchair, she took a deep breath, feeling some of the tension from the previous day's events begin to melt away. 

Dr. Neha sat across from her, a notebook and pen in hand, ready to listen.

"Welcome, Hira," Dr. Neha said softly. "How are you feeling today?"

Hira sighed, her fingers nervously playing with the hem of her dress. "I'm... overwhelmed," she admitted. 

"Yesterday was... a lot. The reporters, the questions, the invasion of my privacy. It was all too much."

Dr. Neha nodded understandingly. "It sounds like you had a very challenging day. Why don't you start from the beginning? Tell me everything that happened."

Hira recounted the events at the airport, the relentless questions, and the moment she snapped when a reporter insulted her parents.

 As she spoke, she felt a mixture of anger and relief. Anger at the invasion of her privacy and relief at finally having a safe space to express her feelings.

"I couldn't believe they brought my parents into it," Hira said, her voice trembling with emotion. "It was like they were attacking not just me, but my entire family."

The psychologist leaned forward slightly, her expression empathetic. "It's completely understandable that you felt that way. When our loved ones are dragged into difficult situations, our emotions can be tested."

Hira nodded, appreciating the validation. "I just... I don't know how to handle all of this. The pressure, the attention, and now the guilt and regret over what happened with Shubman."

"Let's take it one step at a time," Dr. Neha suggested. "First, let's address how you're feeling about the media attention. It can be incredibly stressful. Have you considered setting boundaries or finding ways to manage their presence?"

Hira thought for a moment. "I guess I could talk to Shubman about it. Maybe we can figure out a plan together. But I also need to work on not letting their words get to me so much."

"That's a good starting point," The doctor agreed. "Now, about Shubman. You mentioned his name. Can you tell me more about him?"

Hira took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the conversation shift as she prepared to share another difficult aspect of her recent experiences. 

"There's something else," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Something that happened with Shubman."

Dr. Neha's gaze remained gentle and encouraging. "Go on, Hira. This is a safe space."

Hira swallowed hard, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her dress. "We... we hooked up," she admitted, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and anxiety.

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