Chapter 15: Beach Walks

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A few months had passed since that day at the restaurant. Shubman and Hira found themselves struggling to find time for each other amidst their hectic schedules. With Her constantly traveling and piloting planes around the world, and Him busy with the test series, their moments together were few and far between. However, they stayed connected through frequent video calls, sharing the details of their days, their joys, and their challenges.

One day, destiny finally aligned their paths. Both of them found themselves in the same city—Dubai. Eager to seize the opportunity, they decided to meet.

Hira adjusted her shirt, took a deep breath, and entered the restaurant in Dubai. She spotted Shubman waiting at a corner table, his face lighting up as he saw her approach. As soon as she reached the table, she started talking, her frustration spilling over.

"You won't believe what happened yesterday ," Hira began, sitting down. "My copilot made a completely reckless decision while I was on a break. He almost caused a crash! I had to rush back and take control to save the plane."

Shubman listened intently, his eyes filled with concern. "That sounds terrifying. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just shaken up," she admitted, her hands still trembling slightly. "I can't believe how irresponsible he was. It's like he didn't even care about the passengers' lives."

Shubman reached across the table and gently squeezed her hand. "You did an amazing job, Hira. You kept everyone safe. That shows what a great pilot you are."

Hira's anger began to subside, replaced by a sense of relief. "Thanks, Shubman. It means a lot to hear that."

They continued talking, the initial tension easing into a comfortable conversation. Shubman listened patiently, offering support and understanding as Hira recounted the day's events.

They looked over the menu, chatting casually about their flight experiences and the beautiful sights of Dubai. When the waiter arrived to take their order, Hira surprised Shubman by ordering two dishes for herself.

"You sure you're going to finish all that?" Shubman asked with a playful grin.

Hira chuckled, "Oh, definitely. I have a big appetite. You'll see."

When the food arrived, she didn't waste any time digging in. Shubman watched, amused and slightly amazed, as she happily devoured her meal. "Where does it all go?" he asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're so thin!"

Hira paused mid-bite, a sheepish smile spreading across her face. "I walk a lot. Like, a lot. It helps me burn off all the extra calories."

Shubman laughed, genuinely enjoying her company. "Well, that explains it. I might have to join you on one of those walks to keep up."

They continued eating and talking, the initial awkwardness fading away as they discovered more about each other's quirks and habits. Hira's enthusiasm for food and Shubman's genuine interest in her life made the evening fly by, leaving them both feeling more connected and comfortable with each other.

As they finished dinner and stepped out of the restaurant, Hira stretched and looked around. "Well, we still have the night ahead of us. How about we go to Al Sufouh Beach? I've heard it's beautiful at night."

Shubman smiled at her suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea. Let's go."

They took a short drive to Al Sufouh Beach, the lights of Dubai twinkling in the distance as they arrived. The beach was serene, with only a few people scattered along the shore. The gentle sound of waves added a calming backdrop to the night.

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