Chapter 18:Strong Hira

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The next morning, Hira stood in front of the bathroom mirror, carefully applying subtle makeup and adjusting her pilot's uniform. 

She wanted to look her best for the important flight ahead. As she focused on her reflection, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist from behind.

Shubman leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. "You look so hot in your uniform," he whispered, his voice laced with admiration and playful teasing. 

He pressed a soft kiss to her neck, trailing his lips up to her jawline.

Shw felt a shiver of delight run through her, almost melting into his embrace.

 But she quickly remembered her flight and gently moved away, smiling at him with a mix of affection and determination. "I have to go, Shub. Duty calls," she said, giving him an apologetic look.

After double-checking her belongings and making sure everything was in order, she noticed he looking a bit downcast. 

His usual bright demeanor was clouded with a hint of sadness. Feeling a pang of guilt and love, she quickly moved to him and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you," she whispered, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. As she leaned in to kiss his other cheek, Shubman smartly turned his face, their lips connecting in a deep, passionate kiss. 

Hira's eyes widened in surprise before she closed them, surrendering to the moment. His hands roamed over her uniform, exploring her curves with gentle, loving caresses.

She eventually pulled back, breathless and smiling. "You always know how to make it hard for me to leave," she teased, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead

He grinned, his sadness momentarily forgotten. "Just a little reminder of how much your boyfriend adores you," he said, winking.

She chuckled softly, giving him one last, lingering kiss before stepping back. 

"I already know how much my boyfriend adores me but his girlfriend adores him million times more" she quipped. "Please, Stay safe and keep that smile ready for me."

With a final squeeze of his hand, Hira picked up her bag and headed towards the door, ready to take on her responsibilities with the comforting thought of Shubman's love waiting for her return.

As she sat in the cab, her mind was already on Shubman. She found herself replaying their kiss, the feel of his lips lingering on hers, and it brought a smile to her face. 

She texted him a quick message before focusing on the ride to the airport, anticipation and a bit of anxiety mingling in her thoughts.

Upon arriving at the airport, Hira discovered that her international flight had been canceled.

 Frustration washed over her as she huffed and groaned in annoyance, realizing she now had three hours to kill before her next allotted flight.

 She decided to inform him about the situation and tried video calling him, but he didn't pick up. Slightly disappointed but not deterred, she decided to call her best friend, Saanvi.

Saanvi picked up almost immediately. "Hey, Hia! Kesi hai chudail?" she greeted cheerfully.

"Hey, Saanu My flight got canceled, and now I'm stuck here for three hours. I thought I'd call you to pass the time,bhootni" Hira explained, rolling her eyes.

"Oh no, that sucks! But I'm glad you called. I've missed chatting with you," Saanvi replied, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

They launched into a fun, long conversation, catching up on everything from work to the latest gossip.

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